Chapter Twelve: Foul Play

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Cassie’s P.O.V Cont-

I pulled Ash towards the town, a plan already brewing in my mind. Ash shoved his other hand in his pocket, looking rather smug with himself. I heard the jingle of change, aware I couldn’t afford anything other than my prize, I’d have to play along to get him out of the way. As if by pure coincidence, Ash stopped.

“You hungry?” I bit my lip and pretended to think about it momentarily. 

“Well yeah, but...” He tightened his grip on our fingers. 

“But..?” He said cheerily. 

“I can’t afford it.” I looked down, my petty acting would be good enough to move Ash. He chuckled.

“Did I ask for money or food?” He smiled at me. I got to play it in now. 

“Okay, well, you pop along to Gregg's and get me a ham sandwich, crisps and a Capri Sun.” That should be enough time. He stared back at me. 

“Okay...?” He began to walk away, when I tugged on his hand. 

“I’ll pay you back.” I smiled and stretched on my tip toes to kiss his cheek before sprinting in the opposite direction. I watched from a far as he regained his sanity and headed for the shop. I smiled, finally, it’s time! I continued speed walking to BodyCare, cheapest place I guess. I slipped in and and slalomed around the many customers, to the right aisle. There! The exact color too! I snatched it up and checked the back. Perfect. I peaked outside, making sure Ash couldn’t see me, and jumped into the queue. I pulled out my change and counted it to the exact amount, tipping the coins into the waiting woman behind the counter. I still had a pound change. I stumbled out, admiring my purchase and dug it into my school bag as I saw Ash coming towards me. He took my hand again and pulled me to one of the benches unoccupied. I peered in the bag and pulled out the receipt. 

“Here, I’ll give you the rest when we get back to Willow.” I placed the pound in his pocket and smiled up at him as I pulled the Capri Sun from the bag. 

“Don’t worry bout it.” He said, taking out the sandwich and halving it. Eating his half. “Get what you want?” I nodded and slurped. He watched me, sensing the secrecy behind my trip. “What you get?” He asked. 

“Oh, nothing...Some makeup.” I answered, pausing slightly as thousands of excuses flowed through me. 

“Oh.” He replied. Taking the last bite of his half. I pulled out the half that was mine and began nibbling on it. 

“Guess you plan missing tea with me then?” I looked over at him, feeling the awkwardness of this conversation hanging above us like a cloud. 

“Yeah, wanna hang out later?” He looked over at me hopefully and our gaze’s met. 

“Sure.” Idiot! Your forgetting the plan! I face-palmed. Receiving a worried glance from Ash. I smiled over at him. I got up and shoved my rubbish in the bin, but got a surprise hug from Ash. He caught me from behind like Liam used to do. And after feeling eyes from the public on us, he picked me up and sat me back down on the bench. I giggled, he could be so random. I pulled out the crisps as our final part to the meal and snapped the bag open. I offered them over and Ash took a couple into his hands, and once done with those he snatched the packet from me. 

“Hey!” I called as he left me on the bench. I ran up behind him and jumped on his back. He stumbled from laughing and handed me the crisps before catching my dangling legs and giving me a piggy back. I was glad for the length of my blazer, else my skirt may just have been a little too high. I held on tight and rested my head on Ash’s back.

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