Chapter Fourteen: Blood Red Monster

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((A/N: Okay, so this is sorta a filler chapter, because I seriously need you guys to comment who you want!! Ash or Liam? Who would you choose?:) C'mon! Pwease?? Yes. Do it. My deathnote will get you. Somehow.... Anyway, enjoy:) BeyondLawliet))

Cassie’s P.O.V Cont-

I twirled the deep red locks, watching in amazement as they danced around my face when I moved. I couldn’t hold away my smile. I jumped up and ran from my room, not bothering to shut the door. I had to show him... Him... But who?  Which do I go to first? I closed my eyes and ran towards his room. I opened the door not caring about whether he was busy or not, I blinked a little and grinned absurdly. 

“Ash look.” I bit my lip and could barely control my hands, I was fidgeting with happiness. Ash was in the middle of slipping a hoodie on and finished before turning to look at me. He stared. Eyes wide, shock on his face. His mouth fell open slightly and I giggled uncontrollably jumping up and down on the spot. “Isn’t it amazing!?” I chimed

“C-Cassie...” He came towards me and took the stray lock on the left side of my face in his palm. I bit down harder on my lip as my smile grew. 

“Isn’t it beautiful!?” I scrunched up my face and hugged him. He barely responded, which nagged me a bit. I stepped back, to see his face again. 

“What have you done?” He said coldly.

“I-I only dyed it, I- I mean, I-j-just...” I stuttered my happiness faltering greatly. “I thought you’d like it...” I trailed off. Shattered, like a mirror. I felt myself slumping. I thought it had been such an amazing achievement, made me everything I wanted to be, and Ash didn’t like it. He realized and tried to save himself.

“N-no! I mean, it’s nice, I just, you, it... Ah... It’s... Different...” He smiled weakly though his brows still furrowed at my hair. 

“Forget it.” I mumbled, turning on my heels and leaving the room. 

“Don’t leave!” He called after me, but I was already gone. I decided to make a plan B and headed towards Liam’s room. What am I now? A monster... Blood red monster. I hung my head and pushed the open door, hearing Ash’s slam shut behind him. 

“L-Liam?” I stuttered once again. He looked up from the laptop he was crouching before and his eyes widened as Ash’s did, but then a confused half smile spread across his face. He jumped off of the bed and I shut the door gently, a small smile creeping over my lips. This was different. 

“Wow.” He laughed, curling the same lock Ash had just held. “It’s red.” I rolled my eyes, my old habit returning.

“Well done genius.” I said with a rasp in my voice. It was supposed to be sarcastic and strong, but it was a slight whisper instead. He cupped my face, his hand was warm and it was unusual for such a thing. He leaned closer to me, and I felt myself in a pool of deja vu. Can I really forgive Liam just like that for what he’s done to Ash? “Say sorry.” I whispered, his lips close to mine, something I used to lay awake at night wishing for, had come back for me to push it away.

“Sorry.” He smiled as he said the words. It’s been a while since he’d really smiled. I found myself laughing slightly. 

“Not to me, silly...” I fiddled with the buttons on his school shirt, which he still had on. “To Ash.” Liam’s smile disappeared and he stepped away, causing my fumbling fingers to hover lonely in the air. 

“No.” He stated rather coldly and my head fell again, the red falling around my face. 

“Please?” I did my best puppy eyes at the frowning boy. He grumbled. “You hurt him Liam!” I prodded, creeping closer to him. 

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