Chapter Eleven: Maybe

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 ((A/N: Just relised loads of chapters for one day:/ IT was an eventful day!! :3 Enjoy! Been working on this, finally got a flow going! BeyondLawliet))

Cassie’s P.O.V Cont.-

My anticipation on the whole day had changed so rapidly. I had woke up, come to school and immediately had hatred within me. Jealously, hatred, leading me to my plan. And now... I feel like I should back down... Do it later. No. I wasn’t wimping out. It was going to be amazing. Once Ash finally exited the infirmary, drugged with painkillers, it seemed he’d refused to return to Willow. What I would have given to go ‘home’ early. He smiled that weak smile over to me again, and I handed him the top he had in his bag. It was a simply dark grey T-shirt. I had planned to avert my eyes like any normal person would do, but instead found myself staring when Ash took off his shirt. And no. I wasn’t doing a Nat and fan-girling over his body, I would be mortified if I ever did that, instead, I was gasping and frowning at the bruises that marked his skin. I adjusted my bag strap, feeling it’s hefty weight cutting into my shoulder, and tip toed closer to Ash. He stopped mid change, his shirt bundled over his head. I shakily traced the deep purple coloring of the marks. I heard him grimace at my cold hands. I removed my prodding fingers and pulled his shirt on properly. It was a little tight and I could almost hear the girly yelps from Nat and Becky when we’d walk in. I smiled, a sad broken smile. I was utterly defeated after todays events. I was praying I’d find the energy and courage for later. Ash grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder only to wince in pain. I bit my lip and tried to take it from him. He chuckled.

‘Nah, it’s fine.” He said through gritted teeth. He didn’t sound very convincing. 

“Ash, let me help you.” He smiled down at me.

“You already are.” He kissed my forehead lightly and I couldn’t help but feel the blush spreading over my pale cheeks as a smile crept onto my lips. He hesitantly tried to take my hand. I pulled my hand away, a move I’d become used to. And instantly regretted it. As unfair as it was, Ash’s face could have made leaders of the harshest countries fall to their knees. So I gave in and entwined my fingers with his. I was glad to feel their usual warmth seeping through mine.

Entering drama, I dropped Ash’s hand. Ash had been too noble to even squeak a word of who may have done such things to him. So Liam would be in lessons with us as usual and not spending his afternoon in the BMG. I fondly remembered how I’d gotten us all out of some petty shit in art. I used to think things were hard then. Oh lord look at me now. If I could only tell my past self things I should have done. Things I shouldn’t have done...

“Hi!” Nat whispered rather loudly. I rolled my eyes at her as I dumped my bag. We’d already missed half of lesson and Miss seemed to have it in for me. I strolled up and handed her a little green note the cheery reception lady had given me. Take that. I smiled effortlessly and she grumbled at the missed opportunity. Nat patted the floor beside herself, it seemed she’d been waiting for us to return, as most of the other students had already grouped for the activity. I pulled a sticker out of my pocket and slapped it on Ash’s chest as he followed me. 

“Ow!” He exclaimed and I smiled a sorry at him. He inspected his new addition. 

‘Out of Uniform.’

I scanned the room as Nat chittered away. I didn’t find Liam until the last moment, he was heading towards us, joining our group? Is he serious? He instantly took me into a hug. 

“Ah! Liam!” I protested but he squeezed tighter. My arms stuck out at the sides as he crushed them to my body. Ash slipped his hands into his pockets, leant on his hip and drooped his eyelids. He didn’t look amused. 

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