Chapter Seven: Yours...?

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Oh no. Prom. I can’t wait, heavy on the sarcasm there. Liam will ask Cassie to go, and she’ll accept and I’ll spend the whole night sitting alone like a douche. Or with Becky. That made me shudder. I still wasn’t sure Cassie had completely forgiven me over that. I mean, it wasn’t my fault, I wasn’t flirting. Wait, I had, but I wasn’t in the same position as I am now. In love with Cassie. That’s bold. Bold to say, to think. I’m still young aren’t I? Sixteen? I don’t know love yet. I can’t. But you do, because you know her. Yes I do know love. I see it every time I see her. Because I know I love her. More than Liam. More than anyone. And not even Becky can influence my judgement. I have to get Cassie to come with me. I can’t stand a whole night watching Liam touch, hold... kiss... what I long to have myself. I would love to show off, to win her invitation and kiss her all night long. Right in front of the bastard. He deserved to see someone love her right. She deserved someone to love her right. Properly, like I can. Like I will. That was also bold. I can’t guarantee I will have her, as much as I love her and maybe she loves me too, she has a hurdle to overcome. A guy to drop.

£40. Not much really when you look at the price of things these days.  But it’ll have to do. I’ll have to find a suit and wear a suit to the prom. Urgh, I really do prefer wearing casual shit. So much more comfy, and I don’t feel on show. Unless, I don’t have my top on. Then I guess I am on show. Like I am now. Chilling alone in my room. Too warm, letting my shirt lie unbuttoned. Loose and comfy, that’s me. I wondered if Cassie was still cold. Lemme think of an excuse to go see her, to go make her warm again. Prom? Yeah, I could start there I guess as a general subject. Asking her? Nah, I shouldn’t yet should I? Might make her anxious. Still, no matter how shit an excuse it was, I wanted to see Cassie again, so I’ll take it. I basically glided my way to her room. It felt that way what with my open shirt flapping with the movement. I knocked on her door before twisting the door knob and walking in. I was making a habit of closing the door behind me, in case I want to do something... Private. Cassie looked up as I entered. She was in her shorts pyjamas and was sat on the floor with Nat who was also in her Pj’s. Nat seemed to stare at me, quite fan girl like. It started to creep me out. “Yeah?” 


“Why you here Ash?” I snapped back into reality. She sat there waiting an answer. I came closer to the pair. “Erm, just wondering how the... the, windows holding up.” I was a bad liar. And that wasn’t even my crappy excuse. It was worse. “Its fine, thanks?” I nodded. 

“You know what I’m gunna say.”

“Yeah, yeah, no jumping, I get it. I aint escaping anything with a second chance.” She mumbled the last bit, but I heard it loud and clear. “Escaping what baby?” Oops. Damn! I need to stop that. She rolled her eyes at me. “Escaping you.” It was said with sarcasm, but I felt the deeper reason I was looking for was in there somewhere. So I had something to do with it. I knew it. Was Liam to blame as well? Who knows? Cassie knows. No shit Sherlock. Nat was still looking at me. “Do you mind?” I waved in front of her eyes. She blinked after the third swipe. “Oh, what? Yeah.” She went bright red. Was she checking me out? I felt a shot of pride run through me, and then I swallowed it. Buried it away. I didn’t need any more ‘admirers’ when I was in desperate need of winning Cassie. “Anything else?” Her mocking tone softened, as if she wanted something more from me. I daren’t make the move, not with Nat there. I’ll just have to leave her wanting me tonight. I walked out of her room, waving good night to the roomies. 

I was heading back to my room, when I turned back on myself. Back to Cassie’s room. I hadn’t done anything, or said anything I’d wanted to have. I stood outside her door. Wanting to knock, or even just walk on in. I just hesitated outside her door. Until I gave up, and headed back. I passed Liam, and I wondered if he was going to see her. I stopped my mind from wandering. If I thought about him and her, I’d think about all the things he can just do. The every single thing I want to do, yet have to secretly, patiently wait them out. I wasn’t patient; I have not a single ounce of patience in my body. I don’t know how I live. How I manage to hold onto seeing her again, being with her again. Proving things. I don’t know why I bother though. She still doesn’t rank me any higher in her mind. I’m just Ash. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s sad really, because I would give anything to be Liam, yet I despise the dick with everything I am. I sighed and lay on my bed. I suddenly felt a little cold. Colder than I have lately. Strange. That’s not right. Then it was gone. Simply click of the fingers and it disappeared in a flash. Hmp.

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