Chapter Nine: Because I Love You

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((A/N: OH ASH GRANGEFIELD! CALM YOURSELF BOY!! Hheheeh, I forgot how fun it was to write Ashes! Btw, Ash's hair is now quite long in my head, i'll post a pic besides this chapter for yahs to drool over ^_^Their a good match up. They were more different before, when Ash had shorter hair, but I kinda have a thing for the long haired thing:3 Anyway...

You guys are so aweshum!! Your support, Reads, Comments, and even Votes, (I know) mean everything to me! So do continue, that would be great!

Anyways, here's the ninth bit:) Enjoy!BeyondLawliet))

Cassie's P.O.V-

I felt like a popular. I hated but loved it. The undoubted attention that spiralled my way. I see why they are like they are. But I wont be like that. Nat decided to partner with me and I was so happy. Becky glared at me before flipping her red hair and finding another girl to beat at rugby. Rugby. Hmm, Nat will be fun to tackled. I bit my lip and felt myself become giddy, this might actually be fun. The boys started to walk across the field. To my annoyance many looked this way. They were such perverts. Watching the girls. Most of the time, the populars occupied their attention. But I was getting stares, and so was Nat. She was being super confident. Waving and winking. I pulled at my shorts. Yes, shorts. Apparently the black lump of clothing I snatched for P.E this morning was not my shirt and joggers, but a freaking pair of shorts. I tugged, glad my legs were decent, and shaved for once. Holy lord. I really felt like a popular bitch now. But I wasn't splaying myself all over the pitch. Showing off, and being simply a popular bitch. I tugged again and someone whistled behind me. I looked over my shoulder, Nat following. Her eyebrows arching at the boys watching us as they walked further down. She made a face and then giggled.

"They don't like it!" She whispered to me, pointing to the populars that were sending dark looks our way. I bit my lip again, tucking a stray backcombed strand of Nat's amazing styling behind my ear. I looked down, not used to all the attention. I didn't like it. I guess a tiny bit. But... It still felt wrong. Nat started chuckling beside me, ignoring the instruction to warm up in pairs. I motioned for her to start stretching and I started, hoping she was following my lead. 

"Oh! Do that again! They like it!" I refrained and followed her childish gaze. To my horror I saw Ash, a couple others and Liam watching me. She tugged on my arm. "Again! Again!" I slapped her arm. 



No!" I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest feeling a shiver coming on. She bit her finger. A mischievous grin on her face. 

"Okay, well I need to stretch, help me." I should I have known what she did next. She started stretching her legs.  I sighed and copied. She chuckled and only when the boys laughter died did I realised how compromising my position was. Simply, my ass was in the air. I tried to recollect my body when a cheeky hand slapped me. I panicked and landed on said ass. The grass, slightly wet and cold. I sulked. My bottom lip pouting. Ash you arsehole! I glared at him, but he was laughing too hard. 

"O-oh man!" He coughed out. I punched his leg and he pulled me from the ground. I panicked and wiped the clinging strands of grass and mud from my butt. I sighed as I came face to face with a cheeky Ash. My eyes drooped till pure sarcasm spread across my face. He smiled and came a little closer. No! No! No! Ash! 

"Mr Grangefield! Would you mind leaving the girls pitch, or would you d'rather spend half an hour with me after school?" Caught, serves you right cheeky bastard. A smug smile fitted my lips and he hung his head in shame as he walked away. 

"Bye Ash!" Becky called over to him. Her voice high and annoying. I ran a hand through my hair and averted my eyes from the staring crowds. I looked up again to find Liam staring at me also. His face looked like he was about to kill Ash. He probably was. And I couldn't protect him now. I sighed and turned my death stare to Nat. 

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