Chapter Eighteen: Return

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Words cannot describe how great the sleep I received last night. Simply awakening the next morning left me missing the soft, cold feel of my bed sheets. I sighed happily and sat up feeling refreshed for the first time in my meagre life. Smiling down at my knees as I recalled how much laughter had filled this bare room the night before. I begun giggling to myself just thinking how silly me and Natalie had gotten. Our girlie night full of the awful things girls do at sleepovers. And me? Well I loved it more than any other night I'd so far experienced... Well, it's one of my top ten at least.

Rolling along to the bottom of my bed, I expect to see Nat curled up in a mess of duvets and pillows, but for once on a Sunday morning, my best friend isn't where she should be. My brows furrowed, but I shrugged it off. 

She has a life, let her live it.

So, instead I recoiled and slumped down on my bed, my naked face too far from the pillow. I groaned loudly and brought my hands before me, as if by putting them in view would give them more energy to haul myself up. Essentially, it worked, though I'm sure that was just me trying to smart ass myself. 

Finally regaining a sense of direction, I pulled at the creases in the shirt I was wearing to sleep in. It was a little short, simply because the effort to buy new bed clothes was far too much for me to handle on the day to day basis. I tugged at the shirt once more and stood in the middle of the room like a lost zombie. My arms sluggishly hung by my sides as I used only my eyes to search for some means of warmth. Soon enough, I located my much favoured jacket. The one I had stolen from Ash. 

I mumbled something to myself, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't awake enough to hear any of the nonsense escaping my lips. Upon finally reaching the jacket, clumped at the other end of my cold room, I wrapped the large material over myself and felt a new feeling arise inside of me.


I licked my chapped lips as the faint smell of bacon drifted into my room. Catching the scent I soon had speed within me, enough to push my lethargic legs to the door and run out without any other meaning in my life. 

I barged past a slow walker, aka Liam, not even bothering to apologize. Part of me said this was just down to the fact I was in desperate need for that bacon. That bacon cooking away, without me. Then again, it could be the fact that Liam doesn't even give two shits about my existence. 

But I don't even care. 

Well, I do. 

Just I care far more so for that bacon.

I rushed in and felt centre of attention as I shot though the doors to the kitchen. Most of the house was already sat at their designated seats, happily eating away. Glancing up at the clock I find myself to be strolling in for breakfast at 11 o'clock. Still doesn't explain why Natalie is up and cheerily discussing her prom dress with Ash. I mean, Nat doesn't wake up till evening on a Sunday. Rolling my eyes at Ash's false attempt to seem interested in Nat's pointless babble about girl aspects of prom, I took a seat beside the boy. He seemed relieved to have another soul to share his pain in. 

A warm plate full of bacon was placed in front of me and I had to force myself to not drool at the sight. Teresa was holding a protective arm over Corey and spoon feeding her as always. A glare was sent my way as she caught site of my wandering eyes. I, myself, was relieved to have her deathly stare removed from me when Liam stumbled in. 

Boy did he look rough. Rougher than me on a morning, and that was saying something.

Having the sickening gaze of an overprotective sister given to another member of Willow, I dug into the meaty feast on the edge of my fork. I grinned as the taste hit my tongue and the flavours danced around my pallet. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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