Onset Inside

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We as humans build our own little world inside. Sometimes it's faced with adversity and everything just shatters but we keep on building our world. We create our beacons for darkest of times and we build our own oasis. We give birth to emotions and memories that keep on living inside. Just so that this little world can keep on going.
And it's akin to even we will reach divine creating world on our own. Cherish your divinity of creating your own world as you see fit.


I saw a dream that day
No beach, No sand,
No oceans to partake,
Stretching far beyond,
To the horizon, it was all clay
No sun , No moon,
Only dark empty sky,
Oh wait,
some silver lining still shines,
In the lonely place I stand,
Start building yet again,
I build my trees, I build my sun,
I build my moon, and a salty ocean,
I build the life in this place,
Slowly, I see happiness populates,
And in between, it dwindles
To rise back again with vigor,
I see it build which I couldn't have,
But then comes the onset of doom,
Some flee while perish with same boom,
Eventually it catches everything,
Not just life, but even,
Heaven and Hell, and everything in between
Looks like it's again the same,
To start dreaming of tomorrow again

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