Melting Ice

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When we are deep sorrow, a heaviness seeps into us. Hands and feets feel like dead weights. The heart inside starts to melt into heavy emotions. In such times people start to put walks around themselves. To isolate, not themselves, but their pain. But sson enough the small weak walls fail. But determined again, we jade ourselves from such pain. Expectations for happiness ever again in life dwindles. But with time, that jaded heart becomes our new beautiful loving heart. Much more beautiful than it has ever been.


Look, just like the melting ice,
It's damp, it's molten, it's ragged
And somewhat swollen
Keeping it safe from winds outside
Put some curtains inside
But with winds along,
Came the blizzard of sorrow,
So, today I galvanized,
with steel, with iron,
Painted it black, just so it doesn't attract,
But for the sake, also I put some Red
Then some silver and some gold
Forgetting why I was doing so
Just enjoying the shine and glow
Until the day comes by
When the plating again looks like
melting ice

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