Not Now

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Even I don't know the meaning of this one. If someone gets it, let's decode it together


Today I lay down again,
In peace, looking for peace
For my quieter outside
Are overcome by my chaotic inside
The man who screams, and accuse
Berates and call other fools
Is again, today, screaming inside me
Ruining peace for me, by me
Making me a mouthpiece
For his antics, he laughs
Happy, looking the tangled world
Get more tangled, just like a fishing net
Tightening over the heard,
Making the tangled one writhing in pain
Won't let it be,
Won't make chaos ensued to be
Shutting out the window for this me
Looking for the long lost peace,
Today I lay down again,
In chaos, looking for peace

The Socrates in Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن