Archives at the corner shelf

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A trip down the memory lane is always helpful. It reminds you of all the goods times you had, giving hope to live through difficult times. They help you remember things that you learn from the people around you.

Our memories make into the people we are. The deeper the impressive, the stronger the memories. So, today, do take a small walk back in you happier times.


Ravines of times, yet again mine,
Opens up the portal, to the other side
The place that was meant to be
The moments that came to be
All that existed, All that born
Looking through the glistening eyes
Standing in the mirror, to the other side
Happy, for all that was, is now archived
In the library of mine, at that corner shelf
Together with all the old books,
That I wrote, happily, not alone,
Taking inspiration from old chapters,
To keep on writing new,
Another day, changing times,
But keep on writing, pages on pages pile,
Waiting for becoming, a small tale,
In this long biography of mine.

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