The Ashen Future

19 6 2

Authors note: The poem is about as society and humanity we have struggling with our demons. We fight against these demons, in hopes that it will become the change we want it to be. And, the future will remember our struggles. And will remembers that tomorrow is built on what we leave behind today.

Our struggles today will be our reflection tomorrow


These ashes will become the future tomorrow
These ashes will kindle
With afterglow, of today, searing the image,
Of dreams and ambitions
Of the people, living in this fray
The questions to world is to validate
If it's even worth it when there is no fair play
The phoenix will rise, from these ashes
That will illuminate everywhere
Even those corners where it dwells
Where deeds dark enough happens
Even in mid-night you cann see it's pitch black
Driving the darkness that fights back hard
Eventually, the phoenix shall prevail

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