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Why every success story is full of struggle? And do all struggle leads to success?

The question has been asked countless times, but what is about struggle? My belief is, it's not the struggle, but the change it brings in you. The need to try again and failing, but trying yet again.

When we have struggled enough, is not when we reach success, but when we have struggled enough to evolve is when success comes to us.


You can be it; you can be all
You can be whatever you want
Aim for the sky, and beyond
From wherever you stand
Whether the sky or a hole

Shoot for the star, shooting by
Jump as high you can,
And fall, with grace back again,
But, stand up yet also,
You can crumble, you can cry
For all the possibilities, try

Keep stumbling on the shaking feet
Until the body gives,
Only then it truly happens
The metamorphosis,
Grow the wings on the back,
That you always lacked

For now, all the jumps may look
All the efforts in vain
But the gifts of wings only came
To those who tried

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