These Dusky Clouds

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Not every day is the same. We all have good days and bad days. The days we feel heavy inside. We want to let those things out, but we are so comfortable living in safety that even a small rattle inside makes us fearful. And most nervous are the times when we are letting our insides be exposed.

But eventually, we know, after those scary times, comes backs that happiness of joys. Leaving behind memories to laugh upon.


Just like those dusky clouds
Today I also feel heavy inside
With me, I also carry this ragging storm
These wild winds and thunderstorm
Hiding sunshine of my inside
It all dark, inside and outside
All is silent but these clouds
Growling, Thundering
I want to crouch

It's raining now; it's raging fiercely
It's now even the ones in the shade
are scared
But it's now hope
For sunshine to pierce through
For a parting gift of a rainbow

All that's left now are just puddle
Puddles to joyfully jump in
To be happy, to be relieved
For all those scary dusky clouds
Always leave small partying joys

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