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What are the ghosts of the past? Ever felt like someone is asking for your help even when they can't speak to you. Something that is not there, even though it is.

We all ask and burden our future with things we want in our present, but all they leave are haunting hisses and calls for the future to come, to be the one in future. All this because we are too absorbed to fulfil other things that our ghosts of pasts are haunting for. We do all these things in the hope of relief.

But is there even relief at any point?


That white haze floats
In my peripheral,
Try to catch the glimpse
But nothing is there to see
It calls, it hisses, and it hints
But alas it never speaks
It's haunting; it's cold
It's scary, truth to be told
It asks for something to be done
For not knowing how to
Not knowing what to
Not knowing why me
But it asks for it needs it be done
From the times it wasn't an IT
I try to follow through,
For the peace at last run through
Not for it, but for me
To relieve, to relax
And to be back
When that haze never floated by
When it was all pink and joy

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