Born incomplete, was I?

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From the day we are born, we are continually being made sure that we feel inadequate in our skins. We struggle to become the ideal self that society imposes on us. We changed ourselves to fit in the fabric of society. And when all it dawns upon us, we are too late to go back.


Born incomplete, was I?
Struggling to survive,
Walking through roads,
Whether it's sunshine or rainfall,
In search of it, that makes me complete,
For me to fit, in the society stitch
Sanding out my sharp corners,
Making me look like another piece
In this whole giant jigsaw of the world

I walk all alone the nights feeling hollow
Not just inside, but outside
Not only searching that completes me
But what completes the world itself

For very late it dawned,
When I have walked long,
Too tired to go back,
Not realising,
I was complete, not as a piece,
But as a jigsaw to be solved by me

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