I choose my imperfections

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Whether we like it or not, our surroundings paint us into who we are. We are most of the time reflection of the different splitting of people surrounding us.
We are essentially chimera of those shadows. But, we have a will to choose. How much do we want to reflect others is our choice. And we can choose to reflect ourselves as well.

We can choose to reflect the freedom to choose rather than just what people wants us to.


I am serene; I am pure
Nothing less, nothing more
I am the void
I am the one that has it all
For I am the possibilities
Born out of you
I am the reflection of you
I am you, alas slightly inverted
I am the painting forged by you
For even if imperfect
Still a figment of you
A shaded grey here, and black there
I am different only that much from you
So today I choose, not to reflect anymore,
Now I will paint my canvas on my own
I will choose my greys and blacks
Where I want to be imperfect
No longer be only a reflection
Today what I project,
Is my reflection

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