Chance Encounter

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Trigger warning: Suicide attempts, self-harm.

You stared at the raging waters below, a determined look on your face. This was it. You grasped the rail of the bridge, leaning against it. "Let's finally do something right."

"You too?"

The voice startled you, almost making you lose your grip. "Who?"

A man about your age sat next to you, gazing at nothing. "I said 'you too', as in, 'you're here to kill yourself, too?'"

"Don't try to stop me, and I won't try to stop you."

"Fair enough." You sat down, staying like that for a while. "What's your name?"

"(Y/N) (L/N). What about you?"

"Ichimatsu Matsuno, but I don't see the point in you knowing."

"Why?" you asked, tilting your head in curiosity.

He finally turned to you, revealing cold, empty eyes. "What good is knowing the name of a dead stranger, (Y/N)?"

You silently nodded, staring straight ahead again. "Wanna vent before we do it?"

"Why should we?" He started swinging his legs a bit.

"Maybe we'll feel a little better if we have someone to listen to, someone that can relate to us. Maybe not, but I'll try it before leaping to my death."

"Alright," Ichimatsu cleared his throat, "you know my name already, I'm in my twenties, you can figure out the exact number on your own. Do you know what a NEET is?"

"A person Not in Education, Employment, or Training? I think I've heard of that before," you nodded. "What about it?"

"That's me. I'm still living with my parents, I don't have a job, and I have several brothers just like me. Don't we sound like losers to you, (Y/N)? Be honest with me here."

"Losers? No, you don't sound like losers."

Ichimatsu let out a growl, whipping his head towards you. "I said be honest, you idiot! Don't lie to me!"

"I'm not lying!" you insisted.

He sighed, closing his eyes. "You're not like the others, are you? You aren't afraid."

"I guess not," you mumbled. "I've seen plenty of things scarier than you. And I really don't think you're losers, okay? Losers wouldn't have parents kind enough to keep supporting them this far down the line, or brothers that care."

"(Y/N), if they cared, I wouldn't be here right now, right? I bet they don't even notice me gone, they'd have to count each other."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..." his voice wavered, "we're identical sextuplets."

"Really?!" You scooted away from the rail. "What are the chances of that occurring naturally?!"

"Okay, so you are like everyone else in that sense. Always freaking out, going on about how cool it is to have siblings that look and act exactly like you. Well guess what? It's-"

"I didn't say that," you interrupted, "you aren't all the same person. You have different personalities and interests, right? It's not like you're clones."

" really think so?" Ichimatsu whispered. "Everyone else thinks we're the same, and they treat us the same."

"Tell me about your brothers, Ichimatsu-san."

"Okay." He scooted away from the edge as well. "The oldest is Osomatsu, I guess he's the leader. Well, a crappy leader at that. He hasn't really tried to get a job, and blows our money on pachinko."

Save Me - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Depressed!Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now