Such as It Was (And a Lot More!)

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"What's next for you guys?"

"He'll get a job, I hope." You sent Ichimatsu a glare.

"Meh." He stuck out his tongue in response.

"So, does that start with him moving in with you?" Choromatsu tilted his head.

"Maybe? I'm not sure if we're ready for that yet."

"You're right, he does need a job if he helps pay for your apartment." Karamatsu looked up from polishing his guitar. "Actually, I was thinking of moving out, too."

"Really? Where will you go?"

"Well, Chibita agreed to let me live with him," he smirked.

"So soon?"

"(Y/N), time is an illusion, yet love still lasts forever." He looked up with a sad smile. "Sometimes forever doesn't seem very long at all, does it?"

"Wow, that's actually pretty deep," Todomatsu breathed. "I like it."

"Me too. I wish you the best of luck, Kara. Come here." You held out your arms, and he jumped into them.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

"Me too!" Choromatsu shuffled over.

"And me!" Jyushimatsu pounced on the three of you.

"Also me!" Todomatsu threw his phone off to the side.

"Especially me," Ichimatsu muttered.

"We love you too, nii-san!" Jyushimatsu pulled him over with a giggle. "Family forever!"

No one noticed Osomatsu sitting in the Ichi Corner, facing away.


One by one, they all left. First Choromatsu, then Todomatsu, Karamatsu, Jyushimatsu.

And...your Ichimatsu.

"I need a break," he had told you. "I'm going away for a while. It's-it's not you, it's me. I uh, I don't know for how long, but I promise I'll never-"

"Shut up, you idiot," you sniffed. "I'll wait forever."

"What if you find someone else? Someone that actually deserves you?"

"I would never do such a thing. Goodbye, my purple kitten." You hugged him, but he remained stiff and didn't return it. He walked out the door, giving you one last look.

And he was gone.

"Why?" You threw yourself onto your bed and sobbed for what seemed like years. "Oh, Osomatsu." Your tearstained cheeks stuck to the sheet as you sat up. "Osomatsu! What is he feeling right now?!" You jumped out of bed, only to get tangled in the sheets. "Ow."


"Are you sure, (Y/N)?" Mrs. Matsuno glanced around nervously. "He hasn't exactly been himself lately. But if you insist." She stepped aside to let you in.

"Oso?" You tapped his shoulder. "How are you today?" Nothing. "Have you won much from pachinko lately?" You finally sat next to him, head in your hands. "I know how you feel."

"No you don't." You jumped as Osomatsu finally spoke, but it was full of malice. "You have no idea."

"But I do, I'm your sister-"

"You are no sister of mine," he snapped. "Get out."

"What?" You started blinking back tears.

"I said get out! Nobody wants you here, especially not me! There's the door, unless you're too stupid to know how to use it!"

Save Me - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Depressed!Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now