Jyushimatsu Has a WHAT?!

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"Here, Miss," the one you identified as Osomatsu handed you a towel.

"Thanks." You dried your hair slowly, avoiding eye contact.

"Did Ichimatsu nii-san really try to drop you off a bridge?!" Jyushimatsu yelled excitedly, flopping his sleeves around.

"How dare you even consider such a thing!" Todomatsu scolded. "You should be ashamed!"

"No, Ichi didn't try to dump me off the bridge, he saved me." And I might've saved him.

"Oh, I see! Sorry, Ichimatsu!" He only gave a grunt in response, playing with a gray kitten in the corner.

"Some brothers," you mumbled. The kitten stretched before making its way towards you curiously. "Uh...hi?"

"Meow." The meow didn't come from the cat, however, it came from Ichimatsu.

"What?" You gave him a confused look. He just scooted deeper into his corner.

"Aw, don't worry, he's always like that!" Karamatsu put his finger under your chin. "But enough about him, let's discuss something important."


"Yeah, something along the lines of making you a Karamatsu girl..."


"OW!" The man dropped like a tree, landing on his face. "Who hit me?!"

"Leave her alone, Shittymatsu," Ichimatsu growled. "You are not allowed to lay a hand on her."

"Ooooh, guys! Look what I see!" Osomatsu threw an arm around your shoulders. "Little Darkmatsu there has a thing for (Y/N)!" He grunted in pain as you elbowed him in the stomach. "So mean!"

"Then stay out of my business." You wrenched free, staring off into nothingness. What am I doing here? I should be dead! Why did he have to save me?


"Huh?" You snapped back to reality with a dazed look. "Yeah?"

"I-I asked where you live, we can take you home." Choromatsu held out his hand with a shaky smile. "It would be no trouble."

"I can't go back there...I can't handle going back there right now!" Fear gleamed in your eyes. What you did back there wasn't part of the plan! Home would just remind you how terrible things are!

"Wow, okay, easy! Y-you can stay here, I guess?" Choromatsu looked to his brothers for approval. They nodded in agreement. "You do have a home, right? I-I mean, if you don't, you could stay here with us! No, w-wait, I mean-"

"Of course I have a home, did you think I lived under a cardboard box?!" you snapped. Might as well, though.

"N-no, I didn't mean-" the third eldest stuttered.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you go through all this trouble. I'm not worth it."

"What are you talking about? Every Karamatsu girl is worth-DAMMIT STOP THAT!" Ichimatsu pelted him with cat toys, a sadistic grin spreading across his face.

"Excuse me, what time is it?" you asked Todomatsu.

"Let's see, it's-oh! Bedtime! You can sleep on the couch, our bed isn't big enough! Well, goodnight!" Before you could open your mouth to respond, they had already scampered off.

"We have an actual girl in our house!"

"Yeah, and it's not a crossdresser!"


Save Me - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Depressed!Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now