Chapter Seven - Adrienne

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I walk leisurely towards home, stopping at little shops along the way and purchasing little things here and there- bonbons and fruit, and a little bracelet from a sweet old lady who said I was 'a very pretty young lady'. I smile a bit at the sky as I stroll down the cobblestoned streets, feeling at ease with the world despite of the ominous predictions I received from Aesira.

It doesn't take me long to get back to the House of Rubies— I duck into the alleyway that leads to the doorway and dash into the living room area. It's already three in the afternoon, so I have a bit of time to nap and then meet with whoever needs to meet me for that commission tonight.

I'm about to jog upstairs when someone taps my shoulder and I whirl around, grabbing their wrist and twisting their arm. Kane grins at me then grunts in pain as I shove his arm away from me. "Lighten up, Adri. You're always so serious." Kane laughs, scrunching up his face in a poor imitation of my scowl. "You can never be too careful," I growl at him as I turn to walk upstairs. He catches my arm as I start to move away."Wait. I have to talk to you about something serious."

I rotate to face him slowly. Kane being serious is about as improbable as Tarryn wearing a dress, which is the equivalent of impossible. The six years i've known him, he's always been the joker of our little makeshift family. "What's it about?" I ask warily. He jerks his head towards the couches, motioning for me to sit down with him. 

Once we're both seated across from each other, I raise my eyebrows expectantly. "Hurry up, Kane. I'm exhausted and I have a possible job coming up tonight, I want to nap before I talk to the new client." Kane nods absently and leans forwards, resting his elbows on his knees.

"I've been hearing Tarryn talking to some men for the last couple of weeks, a couple days a week. They meet late in the conferencing room, and Tarryn keeps the door locked for some reason. I overheard them the last couple of nights when I went downstairs for some ale— It sounds like they're talking about politics, not assassinations.

"I was listening last night and Tarryn mentioned you. I didn't know what context it was in, and I still don't, but I have my guesses. I was trying to listen to what he said, but all I heard afterwards was on of the other men say '...Prince Theodore. Yes, we're going to need your best.' After that they wrapped up their conversation and Tarryn poured some wine for all of them, so I went back upstairs." Kane's leg is bouncing rapidly, and he seems agitated. I process what he's saying for a moment, trying to figure out the implications of Tarryn's alleged conversation. Kane watches me closely, waiting for me to come to the conclusion on my own. When I come up empty, he fills in the blanks for me.

"Somebody  wants you to assassinate the prince." 

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