Chapter Nine - Adrienne

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At five-thirty, Kane knocks on my door. "Wake up, Adri. The client is already here, he's tipping back drinks with Tarryn right now." I groan and drag myself out of bed, pulling half my blankets off of my bed with me as I go. I open my closet, and pull on leather pants and a loose, black blouse with billowing sleeves. I pull a waist corset over that and tie it tight, then slip my knives into place against my ribs. I strap my holster on for the second time today, pull on a cloak, and slip on my boots. I know I'm not going to be leaving the house, but typically clients will be more at ease during negotiations if the assassin they're hiring actually looks the part. I wink at my reflection in the mirror on my door quickly, and head downstairs.

My footfalls creak on the stairway, echoing across the empty floor downstairs. I turn left, heading down the hall towards the red door with the word 'negotiations' on it. Once I reach the end of the hall, I stop and take a deep breath. I can't stop thinking about what Kane and I discussed earlier today, and Aesira's warning from the tarot reading. Should I go in? Or should I play it safe? I give myself thirty seconds to decide.

The inside of the negotiations room is quiet tonight. The candles are flickering as I push the door open, and Tarryn looks at me tersely when I step into the room. A tall man with grey hair sits across from Tarryn, his hands folded across his stomach as he tilts back in his chair. He makes eye contact with me, then up-and-downs me briefly. His eyes are light blue, but so pale that they're almost white in the light. It's unnerving.

For a long moment, nobody speaks. Then, the man leans forwards and looks me over once more. When he speaks, his voice is soft but commanding, and it nearly throws me off guard."So. You're the best Tarryn has got." I nod easily, willing myself to be cocky and bored. "Yes, that would be me." I smirk and offer a slight bow. Tarryn shoots me a glare and I ignore him pointedly. The man smiles, an impressed expression settling onto his features. "Interesting. You've clearly got something of a temper." I shrug. "I'm not paid to be nice, I'm paid to kill." Tarryn coughs and the man raises a hand to placate him. I raise an eyebrow, surprised that Tarryn is actually taking orders from this man— today just gets more and more interesting.

"Alright, let's get down to business. I need somebody dead, and I want it done as soon as possible. I've heard rumours of your skills from various people, but I had my doubts when Tarryn here told me you were a woman. However, I see that you'd be... exactly the person for the job."

I incline my head, thanking him for the half-compliment. "So then cut to the chase. Who is it exactly that you need me to kill?"

Tarryn speaks up to respond. "The target is someone high up in the social hierarchy. It's a delicate job, and Salder here thinks that you'd be a fit candidate to give the task to." I shrug and turn to address the man I now know to be Salder. "I'm the best in the kingdom as of right now. Every other assassin who could've been appropriate for the job has been caught at least once, or at the very least has been witnessed. Nobody knows who I am— they only know of my reputation, and of the bodies I leave behind." Salder nods appreciatively. He seems at ease, even after my not-so-subtle boasting. Usually clients are on edge when they speak directly to me, but this tall, grey man is different somehow. It bothers me.

"Exactly. So my question is, are you up for this commission? I can take my business elsewhere, if you're not. No pressure, of course... But the pay is five hundred gold coins, with a fifty coin bonus if we're very pleased with your work."

My jaw almost drops. Depending on the social status of target, prices for assassinations can range anywhere from twenty to fifty coins at most. Five hundred coins could set me up for years. However, for a price as high as that— the target would almost exclusively be someone in the royal family.

I decide to forgo any display of emotion. I don't want either Tarryn on Salder to know what I'm thinking, and if I'm not careful it will show on my face. "Alright, five hundred coins. But you never answered my question— Who is the target?"

Salder looks uneasy for the first time since I walked in, and Tarryn stares at the wall silently. I cross my arms and wait for an answer. Minutes pass, and finally the two men make eye contact. I watch them have a silent conversation as they stare at each other, till Tarryn sighs, and closes his eyes.

 "You probably know of him. His name is Theodore Valence, Crown Prince of the Isle of Wind." 

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