Chapter Twenty - Theodore

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When she walks in, I'm still half asleep— my dagger is in hand and I'm drowsy, so I am not even close to prepared for the sudden rush of adrenaline that I feel when I realize what she was here to do. I have her arm pinned behind her back in an instant, but even after that I'm not completely sure of what's going on. By the time I have her pressed against the wall, I'm wide awake and examining her face.

She's quite pretty, with green eyes that seem to glow in the moonlight. Her hair is unbound— long with a rich shade of chocolate brown, and her skin is pale with two spots of red blooming in her cheeks as she struggles to hide her panting breaths as the fear builds in her eyes. My hands are on her wrist and my forearm is against her throat, and I can feel her pulse fluttering through her skin.

She doesn't drop the knife, even when I tell her directly to do it; she's stubborn, and I can see the fear and determination mingling in her eyes as I watch her closely.

My grip on her wrists tightens and she grits her teeth as I ask her again to drop her knife. It clatters to the floor, the clash of metal against the tiles seems deafening. When I ask who she is, she tells me her name is Adrienne Winger.

Adrienne... I don't know why but the name burns through my mind like ice. I wince internally at the sensation, the painful syllables echoing around my head in a chorus. I gaze at her levelly, examining her pretty, deadly features, which are brimming with hatred and rising fear. She was sent here to kill me, but by who? I rack my brain for anyone in the numerous councils and in the court whom I may have offended, but nobody comes to mind. I've been a model prince for the past few years.

At least, in public.

I wonder if I can find a way to kill two birds with one stone— not be obligated to execute this girl for treason, and get rid of Zena. An idea that seems to have been planted by someone other than myself begins to form in my mind, details and schemes constructing themselves as I think quickly.

As I run this new plan in my head, I play the calm, deadly prince that I know will prompt her to be compliant. Flashes of memories surface in my head when I threaten her with torture— my father dragging me down to the dungeons and standing behind me as the irons heated over the fire next to the shivering man bound to a chair... the man's screams ringing out as I pressed the glowing metal to his skin.

When the word 'contract' leaves my mouth, I see the wariness in her stance grow as she asks me what exactly our deal would entail. To be honest, I'm not even sure— I feel reckless tonight, and I'm enjoying it.

"I'll do it." When the words leave her mouth, I can't help feeling surprised. I was expecting her to spit in my face and tell me to go to hell, not cooperate. Externally, I nod and continue playing the cold prince, my smirk pronounced as I help her to her feet. "You'll stay here in the palace until the contract ends. Everything you could possibly want will be provided, so long as you be good and behave. In the morning, we'll go over our plan and backstory, then sell it to my mother at lunch when our other guest arrives." She nods, her jaw set as she looks at me. I wonder what she's thinking.

We exit the room and I pull her by the arm down the hall to an empty bedroom. i deposit her now-unresisting form on the queen sized bed and go to find a servant to bring her toiletries and a nightgown— and to discreetly dispose of the bodies of my now-dead guards.

A half hour later, my new guest and partner in crime is subdued and ready to sleep. I stand in the doorway, my forearm resting on the frame as I lean forwards slightly. Her dark hair is falling in a rippling mass over her shoulders and her face, and I pause for a moment to watch. Her eyes flick up to meet mine and I blink, looking away.

"I'm going to lock the door from the outside. By tomorrow morning at eight, I'll have a real contract drawn up for us to sign. After all this," I gesture between us, "Is in writing, I will have an actual room prepared for you and you can run about the palace as you please." I narrow my eyes meaningly. "If you so happen to try and break any of the terms of our agreement, I will have a suitable punishment ready to ensure that it doesn't happen again." She nods, and raises an eyebrow. "If that is all, may I sleep now or would you like to watch me for another few minutes, Your Majesty?" She asks bitingly. I smirk at her and turn to leave. "Goodnight." 

Back in my room and in bed, I pull the covers up to my waist and stare at the ceiling, feeling a strange need to look at the girl's eyes again. Adrienne... Adrienne. The name swirls in my head, and I see her sad, challenging eyes staring at me as I finally fall into unconsciousness.  


hi!! I wanted to say sorry for taking so long to release another chapter, i've been preparing a big project for school and didn't have a lot of free time :( I'll start updating regularly again now, but tysm for your patience, enjoy!!

- C

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