Chapter 2

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"Do you, by any chance, like the youngest son of the CEO?"

Xiao Zhan smiled. "Of course not."

"Why did you say he was cute?" Ji Li wanted to clear his confusions.

"Because he is. Just like you, a small thing." Xiao Zhan placed his hand on Ji Li's head and patted him like a pet.

"Was his smile attractive?"

"I don't have my glasses. He was almost 2 meters away from me." Xiao Zhan lied.

Of course Ji Li knew it was a lie. He peeked through the small gap of the door and saw the not so small distance of their feet. "Liar." He narrowed his eyes.

"Aiyah. Fine. It was attractive. Now move." Xiao Zhan tried to push him aside but Ji Li didn't move.

"Are you sure you don't like him?"

"No one falls in love at first sight." Xiao Zhan replied and moved Ji Li with much strength.

Ji Li let out an invisible spat at the ground. "No one falls in love at first sight my ass."

==> ==> ==>

"Pa. You're here." Wang Yibo greeted his father.

His father looked at him up and down. "Where are we right now?" He asked.

Wang Yibo lowered his head. "In a formal place."

"What should you wear?"

"Formal clothes."

"Go and change. Don't be a disgrace." He mumbled the latter sentence but Wang Yibo heard it. Beside the CEO was his older brother, Haoxuan.

Haoxuan heard it as well. He followed Wang Yibo and left their father observing. "Yibo---"

"You don't have to remind me that you're the favorite." Wang Yibo glared at him.

"Get in the car." Haoxuan said.

"What." Wang Yibo replied irritatedly. "You're gonna scold me? Are you afraid of your image that's why you don't scold me right here?"

"Shut your mouth and get in the car!" Haoxuan spoke in a louder volume.

They went outside and Wang Yibo slammed the door after he got in. Haoxuan didn't speak, he just speeded to their house. "Go inside."

Wang Yibo had no choice but to obey. He knew what was going to happen.

"How many times are we going to argue about this?" Haoxuan calmly asked. "I have told you many times, no one here is the favorite."

"Oh really? Ask your parents---"

"There you go again with 'your parents'. Then whose child are you?!"

"ASK THE DAMN WALL!! Whose child am I?! Huh?! Who? They don't even treat me like their son! WHY THE FUCK WAS I EVEN BORN?"

"Stop rebelling!!! They raised you! They provided your needs! If not for them you wouldn't have lived!"

"It's really pointless talking to people who don't understand." Wang Yibo wanted to go to his room but  Haoxuan stopped him.

"Before you lock yourself in your room..." Haoxuan let him go and faced him. He took a deep breath and punched Yibo. "Knock some sense into your brain."

The punch was unexpected so Wang Yibo wasn't able to maintain his balance. He stood straight. Wang Yibo glared at Haoxuan and went to his room. He locked the door, moved the table to the door, and laid on his bed. He opened his phone and looked for someone to talk to. He scrolled and silently commented at each person.

"I don't like this person." "She's too cheesy" "he can't understand."  He was at the end of the list and was disappointed to see that he had no friends.

Later at night, Wang Yibo sneaked out when everyone was asleep and went to a bar. He did nothing but drink. He looked at his watch and decided to go back home. As soon as he stood up, he felt how dizzy he was. He couldn't walk straight.

He tried his best to carry his feet and go back home, or at least somewhere to rest. It was unfortunate that someone bumped into him causing him to fall on the ground.

"You bastard! Can't you see where you're walking?!" Wang Yibo yelled.

"I'm really sorry---- Mr. Wang?"

"aaAAh?" Wang Yibo looked up and saw Xiao Zhan. "It's you."

Xiao Zhan helped him stand up. "Sir, what are you doing here drunk  in the middle of the night?"

"Why should I answer your question?" He was half drunk. "You. Have no rights. To ask me anything." Wang Yibo replied. In his mind, he was talking cool.

Xiao Zhan stared at him.

"But you know what? You can be my girlfriend. Such a caring person." The drunk Wang Yibo tried to caress Xiao Zhan's face. Xiao Zhan placed Yibo's hand down and Yibo laughed.

"That would be impossible. I'm a man." Xiao Zhan laughed awkwardly. "Sir where is your house? I'll take you there."

"My house? I don't know"

Xiao Zhan looked at him. "What am I going to do with you?" Xiao Zhan looked through Yibo's pocket and took his phone. "What's your password?"

"Strokes of my name then 0805" Wang Yibo replied.


"How come you don't know my name? You dumb thing. Wang Yibo"

"Oh sorry. I didn't know your first name because of formalities. No one dares to call you by name."

"Formality my ass."

"Who should I call?" Xiao Zhan waited for Wang Yibo's response.

Wang Yibo tapped Xiao Zhan's shoulder twice. Xiao Zhan looked at him and fortunately dodged Wang Yibo's puke.

"That was close." Xiao Zhan looked at the puke that almost hit him then looked at the person hanging on him.

"Don't call anyone." Wang Yibo seemed to wake up a little. "I'll get home by myself."


Wang Yibo tried to let go of Xiao Zhan and stood up, he staggered a little. "Fuck." He gained his balance. "Can I stay at your place for tonight? I'll be beat to death if I go home in this state."

"Sure. I live alone anyway."

==> ==> ==> In Xiao Zhan's apartment

Wang Yibo laid on the sofa and fell asleep immediately. After 2 hours, Wang Yibo woke up. Xiao Zhan was wearing an apron, he came from the kitchen with a bowl of soup in his hands.

Wang Yibo sat up and squinted his eyes. The brightness of the room was too bright for a person who just woke up.

"What's that?" Wang Yibo asked.

"Soup. Good for hang over." Xiao Zhan smiled and placed it on the small table.

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