Chapter 12

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"Yibo!" Xiao Zhan ran to him.

"What the---"

Xiao Zhan caught his breath. "For goodness's sake, tell my manager that I'm sick."

"What happened? I just left." Wang Yibo held Xiao Zhan's bag.

"Don't ask. Just go there and tell my manager I'm sick. I can't bare any more salary deductions."

"I'll tell her later." Wang Yibo stared at Xiao Zhan.

"This is all your fault."

"How is it my fault??!" Wang Yibo acted innocent. And again, they bickered a lot.

==> ==> ==> Weeks Later

Xiao Zhan received a call from Zhoucheng. He had no idea why Zhoucheng called him so he just accepted the call.

"Your manager just told me that you asked for a leave because you were sick. This is the 4th time. Are you good there?"


"I knew it! You're not damn sick. How dare you make me worry over nothing?! So why did you ask for a bunch of leave?"

"Well .... I... Uh..." Xiao Zhan looked for lies to tell.

Zhoucheng ended the call.

"Ffffuck. I'm in trouble." Xiao Zhan walked around the house. He kept thinking what to tell Zhoucheng.

The next day, Xiao Zhan got a call from Yibo. As usual, it was a call so that he'd open the door.

"You're here already?" Xiao Zhan checked the time.

"No, I was gonna ask, there's a newly opened bakery here, what do you want? There's a..." Wang Yibo named all of the pastries there.

Xiao Zhan told him what he wanted and Yibo bought them.

"I'm already here, open the door." Wang Yibo said.

"Wait up." Xiao Zhan stood up and just before he would twist the doorknob Wang Yibo said something.

"Your brother is here."

Xiao Zhan opened the door and saw Zhoucheng smiling psychotically. Xiao Zhan left the door open for Zhoucheng.

"Soooo, hello." Zhoucheng placed his bag on the sofa.

Xiao Zhan smiled wide in guilt. Wang Yibo was watching them with a bread in his mouth.

"I heard you were 'sick' " Zhoucheng spoke first.

Wang Yibo freezed for a moment. He slowly ate the bread while listening to their conversation.

"I was homesick. Ha....haha..." He laughed awkwardly.

"Tell me how you got 'sick' " Zhoucheng got near him and saw a peeping hickey. Xiao Zhan panicked. Zhoucheng pulled the shirt down and it was indeed a hickey.

Wang Yibo looked away.

"Would you mind explaining this?" Zhoucheng stared at Zhan. 

Xiao Zhan closed his eyes.

"Who are you dating?" Zhoucheng's voice went serious.

Wang Yibo slowly went into Xiao Zhan's room and locked himself in.

Xiao Zhan sat down and stayed silent.

"Zhan. Answer my question."

He was still silent.

"Have you gone mute? Or are you not answering me because this is from a one night stand?"

"No! I'd never go on a one night stand."

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