Chapter 9

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Haoxuan checked the ingredients and luckily they have it. While making the pancake mix, he made a lot of mess.

"Yibo, do we have flour?" Haoxuan asked.

"Yes." Wang Yibo opened a shelf and brought out a bag of flour. "There's also these" He brought out all the ingredients.

Haoxuan took the mixing bowl. While he was placing the flour in, it made a bunch of mess, specially because it was powder.

Yibo laughed. "I'm not gonna clean anything later!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Haoxuan took the eggs and cracked the first one. On the first hit, he was reluctant, so the eggshell didn't break. On the second hit, it was too strong and a few eggshell particles fell into the bowl.

Yibo laughed again. He had already seen someone crack an egg and not make such a mess.

"Hushhh" Haoxuan cracked the next egg, the same thing happened. While mixing, some of the flour was escaping from the bowl. After they Haoxuan finished making the pancake mix, he proceeded to cook it.

Wang Yibo watched. Knowing that neither of them knows how to cook, he was a little worried.

Haoxuan cooked the first pancake. It was burnt. Yibo couldn't stop laughing. The second pancake was still burnt but it was far better than the first one. There was a bunch of errors, there was just 4 that succeeded.

Wang Yibo took a pancake and sat down. "I'm not gonna clean anything." He grinned and ate his pancake. "Mmmm! Not bad."

"Really?" Haoxuan took a pancake and had a taste. "Yeah. Oh my, I never thought I could cook!"

"You? Cook?" Wang Yibo laughed. "Look how much you've burnt!" He laughed uncontrollably.

"At least there were some that succeeded! And not to mention, you also can't cook." Haoxuan crossed his arms.

Yibo pulled his tongue out. "Jokes on you!" He sat proudly. "I learned how to cook rice, egg, fried rice, and the basics!"

"Oh yeah? Cook me some eggs then!" Haoxuan said.

Wang Yibo proudly pulled out another pan and cooked scrambled eggs. "Hah! You see?"

"Then fried rice?" Haoxuan raised an eyebrow.

"I'll do that tomorrow morning. My slicing skills will make you want to cut your arm off." Wang Yibo sat back down and ate another pancake.

After they finished eating, he went to his room and facetimed Xiao Zhan.

Haoxuan was left at the kitchen, he was cleaning the mess a while ago. When he finished, he also went to his room. And just because their room was just a wall apart, Haoxuan could hear everything.

"You learn so fast! I remember I just made you slice some...... Ohhhh, yeahhh, we did a bunch of slicing. But about cooking, how were you able to learn just by watching?" Xiao Zhan spoke.

"Those were easy, and while you were cooking you kept talking about do's and don't s "

"What an attentive student." Xiao Zhan laughed.

"Zhan-ge I miss youuuuu." Wang Yibo pouted.

Xiao Zhan chuckled. "It has only been a few hours since you last saw me and you already miss me?"

Wang Yibo nodded his head.

Haoxuan, who was listening, got a little confused. What's the relationship between these two??

The two of them kept talking for a long time. When it was already the time to sleep, they still didn't end it.

"Zhan-ge. I can't sleep, it's all because of you."

"How is that my fault?" Xiao Zhan took home some of his work. He was still working while Wang Yibo was just watching him.

"You're warm. My large sized bears aren't enough."

THEY  CUDDLED???! -Haoxuan's confused brain.

"Then what should I do about it?" Xiao Zhan laughed a little. "Don't tell me to got there."

"Sing me a lullaby."

Xiao Zhan looked at Wang Yibo and smiled. He hummed a melody while doing his work. After a little while, Wang Yibo fell asleep.

"I'll end the call okay? Good night." Xiao Zhan smiled and ended the call.

==> ==> ==>

It was 5 in the morning, Yibo woke up and cooked breakfast. It was a simple breakfast, but it was for all of them. It was just fried rice and juice. After he finished cooking, he got ready for work.

"What a miracle. You're awake." Haoxuan spoke.

"I told you I'd cook fried rice. I'll go ahead." Wang Yibo wore his shoes and went out.

Haoxuan shut his eyes close and opened them again. He went downstairs and removed the cover of the food. The smell of it attacked his nose. It smelled delicious.

He tasted it and it was good. While he was eating, their parents woke up.

"Oh good morning. Did you cook this? I'm so proud of you" His mother spoke.

Haoxuan freezed. "Have a taste." He said. He was afraid that if they knew that Yibo cooked it, they wouldn't dare taste it.

"Yum! It's good! Honey, have a taste." She fed her husband.

"Wow! It IS tasty."

"Ma. Pa."

The two of them looked at their son.

"Yibo cooked it." Haoxuan looked at them.

Their smiles disappeared. "But I haven't seen him." His mother spoke.

"He came home yesterday."

The house went silent. "That was the first compliment you gave him." Haoxuan smiled and continued eating.

The couple stayed silent.

"I'm done eating." Haoxuan placed his plate on the sink and went to his room to get prepared for work.

"You know... If we taught him how to cook earlier, probably we would've saved money." She laughed a little. "In a restaurant, this simple dish can cost a thousand. But if you calculate the ingredients, there is a big difference in the money spent."

"Should I feel embarrassed as a business man?" Their father replied.

"No. I am feeling ashamed as a mother. And you should feel ashamed as a father, not a businessman."

==> ==> ==>

In the main building, the employees were quite shocked to see Wang Yibo. It was a long time since they last saw him. Rumors were spread in the main building but none of the family members heard anything.

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