Chapter 5:

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Nyathera. It said it right there. Nyathera Usoro. Big, red letters and all.

Nya's mother couldn't believe she had caught the interest of some fancy school in Europe, let along her getting accepted. The stupidly fancy man and the letter explained that she had three days before the school year began. She would travel to Europe and live there, at the school.

Nya thought it was mad. First of all, living at a school? Who even does that? Second of all, why was she accepted? She wasn't excellent in school, she got the average amount of A's and B's as anyone. And finally, will her mom let her? Normally she would jump at the idea of having one of her useless kids out of the house but she would be going to a big, nice school in Europe. For free, too.

What is she going to do?

"What did you do?!" Nya's mother yelled in her face.

"What do you mean?" Nya responded. She was used to getting yelled at but was not prepared for this reaction.

"Well you obviously cheated or something! How else would you make it in a gifted school in Europe?! C'mon! Look at you! Look at your grades! You could never actually make it in!" Her mother practically screamed. Nya had learned to keep her head down during the outbreaks. That was one reason why she had no idea what compelled her to say what she did next.

"Why is that so hard for you to believe?! Maybe I am actually good at something besides avoiding the questions and counselors at school!" Nya was now split between wanting to take that statement back and being proud of herself for saying it. Her mother on the other hand looked infuriated. Nya maintained eye contact and braced herself for impact. After all, it wouldn't have been the first time she had gotten hit, let along by her mother.

They stood like that for a moment before something surprising happened. Nya looked around perplexed, her mother seemed to have caved. All the fight and fury was gone. She just looked tired and slightly irritated. She began to rub her forehead like she was developing a headache.


"W- what?" Nya stuttered. She took a step back. She had to have heard her wrong.

"I said leave. Get your backpack and go." Nya was terrified. Her mother had never sounded so defeated before. Nya felt like she was in uncharted territory and her mother was an unpredictable animal. "If you want to go to that school you can. If not, don't."

That's when Nyathera realized. Her mother didn't want her. Heck, her mother didn't care what happened to her!

No one does.

Her best shot was with this dumb school.

She ran to her room and gathered what little things she needed from the little things she had. Clothes, her phone, toothbrush and co. the only book she enjoyed, headphones, and everything else she could fit in her bag.

She walked down the hallway past her living room. She heard what sounded like her mother sobbing on the couch. She didn't stop.

After she closed the door she hesitated. Am I really doing this? Leaving this house permanently? Traveling to Europe? Alone?


I better get used to winging it from now on.

She then began to confidently walk to her grandma's house.

No time for self pity.

Nya almost smiled.

Weird. I've never actually been excited for school before.

Nya had an intense feeling that school would be interesting.

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