He Needs You

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      " Noah please tell me your joking" tears spill down my face " I-I'm not" Noah says confused " please no this can be happening" i slide down the wall and cry into my knees " i'm sorry" Noah says. I just continue crying into my knees. A nurse comes in and takes Noah to do a CT scan on his head, i walk out of the room and Millie sees me crying " whoa Mia what happened" Millie asks softly " N-Noah he doesn't remember me" i cry harder " wait what how'' Caleb asks " i don't know there doing a CT scan" i look down " i think i'm just going to go home i need to sleep'' i say walking away " Mia please stay Noah needs you" Millie says " he doesn't even remember me he doesn't need me at all" i walk away and call an Uber. When i get home i go straight to my room but Noah's hoodie and just cry " i can't believe this happened, i can't believe i didn't prevent it" i whisper to myself. Soon enough I cry myself to sleep.

Millie's POV

" this is not good, Mia's definitely not ok" i tell everyone " I know i feel horrible" Finn says " Millie Brown'' a nurse says, i look over " Hi so we wanted to let your guys know that we think Noah may have slipped and hit his head on hard surface such as a counter and then again but harder when he hit floor causing some memory lost" the nurse tells me " thank you" i smile " can we see him" i ask " of course" we follow her to Noah's room and thank her. When we walk in, Noah looks up and smiles " Millie, Sadie, Caleb, Finn, Gaten" he smiles and we all go up to hug him. How does she remember us but not Mia the love of his life. " Noah do you remember anything from last night" i ask " Nope but when i woke up a girl was in my room and she hugged me right away but i didn't know her and when i told her than she broke down in tears'' Noah says confused " Noah that's your girlfriend Mia" i tell him " There's no way i don't have a girlfriend and i have never met anyone named Mia'' Noah says confused, I look at everyone concerned Mia's going to be heart broken.

Author: word count- 428

This is really sad

Have a good day

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