Chapter 2

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Kageyama's POV

It's raining heavily, then I saw her. Lying on the ground, with blood all over the place. Her face looks so peaceful while her body was cut into half, the car's mirror that were shattered because of the tragic accident was in her neck. It looks too terrible. I want to screamed for help, but I can't let out any voice as if I was mute. I can't even walk, I stood there froze, looking at the scene with eyes that are showing a lot of emotions. I can't even help her, how can I help myself? She always helped me with most of everything. She is gone, she is dead.

Miwa is dead.


I woke up, sweating, looking around with a terrified eyes.

What happened? Miwa isn't dead, is she? She can't be! Maybe if I call her, she would answer? Or at least maybe message her?

As I calm myself down, I took the phone on my table that were besides my bed. I open my phone. The light were too bright, it's hurts my eyes. I blink for a few seconds and open my eyes slowly.

5:36 am

I have morning practice today. What am I going to do again? Oh yeah call miwa-


My head hurts so bad, should I go to school? Maybe I'll just ask mother to call the school saying I can't go today because of a headache.

I should really call Miwa. I open contact and search for Miwa's name.

I kissed a girl🎶

Yeah, that's her name I put in my contact. She's like the most gayest girl I've ever meet (I never meet other lesbian). The name is funny, but I'm still scared about what I've seen. Fucking nightmare.

I call her and wait for her to picked up.

Hello, this is Miwa's mailbox. Please leave a voice message.

"I know it's you, oneesan. I have nightmare and it's included you. You are not in the hospital are you?"

Aww, is my Tobio scared something happened to me?? No I'm not in the hospital. Are you okay? What's the nightmare about?

"I'm fine, I guess. I don't want to talk about the nightmare. It was scary as fuck, that I prefer to jump over a building than trying to tell you what is it."

Oh...okay. If it's really scared you, just you know I'm still in my bed. Looking at the ceiling while calling you.

"Can you come home today? I'm not going to school because of headache. You can bring your friend or whatever."

Sure, I will bring my girlfriend over. Is it okay if she bring her brother? He's the same year as you.

"Sure, I guess. Bye oneesan."

Bye tobio.

Ah, the same year as me? I wonder if I know him or not. She never told me about having a girlfriend before. I guess they just started dating.

I should shower and wear something comfortable. Then, maybe cook something? After that, I eat my headache's pill and I will tell mother to call school.


"Mother, I'm not going to school today." I said quietly, scared if she's not in a good mood.

"Why? Are you okay, Tobio?" Ah thank god, she's in a nice mood.

"I'm okay, just a little headache. Miwa is coming today." I said, smiling a little.

"Oh, when she's here tell her I said hi. I will be out today." Oh that's why she wears something fancy.

"Okay, mother."

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