Chapter 9

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Kageyama's POV

Everything's fine, as far as I know. Yeah, I didn't get any nightmare the rest of the days I was here. It's Friday now. Everything's going smoothly, I was happy, I smiled even if it's just a small smile. I loves playing volleyball with my teammates, with the other schools too. I even become more closer with them, since well I've been hanging out with Lev. They are all funny and sometimes it would make me laugh at the dumb jokes.

I love this feeling, the feeling of being happy without worrying about what happened when you got home, what happened when you got to school. It's nice, I would kill to have this feelings everyday.

I miss my sister thought, maybe I should message her? It's been a long time since we last talked so..? Yeah, I should really message her, we are on breaks after all. She's probably freaking out about why I didn't message her at all.

Me - Hey, sorry for bothering you. How's your day? It's been awhile since we talked.

2:47 pm

I sigh putting my phone to the side. I looked around to see if anyone's staring. I saw a pair of brown eyes staring at me but before I could look who it was, my phone buzz. I take my phone and open my messager to see two messages from my sister.

I kissed a girl🎶 - You didn't bother me, Tobio. My day has been going pretty nice. How's yours?

2:50 pm

I kissed a girl🎶 - Yeah, it's been awhile. I was kinda worried if something happened to you. I told you to call me if you had any nightmare, didn't I? Why didn't you call then?

2:51 pm

I sigh heavily, yeah she did told me that, but I decided not to bother her since she's in college and she have a lot of stuff to do than worrying about me.

Me - Ah, I didn't call you because I didn't had the chance too. I was really tired after having a nightmare and just go to sleep after that.

2:56 pm

I kissed a girl🎶 - You sure? That's doesn't sounds convincing enough, I will let it slide this time. But please call me if you did have any nightmare.

2:57 pm

Me - Yeah I will. Anyways, my day has been going great so far. My break is almost over. Talk to you later, bye.

2:59 pm

I kissed a girl 🎶 - Okay, bye.

2:59 pm

I sit up and walk over my tiny bad and put my phone back in there. I still have long way to go before I get to rest.


It's Saturday. Everything's going well. They all work hard because it's the last day practicing, and we are going home on Sunday. It's actually pretty nice to see people playing seriously instead of playing around. Hinata and me were using both of our quick attack, the old one and the newest one. It's actually pretty interesting to watch the blocker get too focused and ended up being confused. I would tried to keep my normal serious face instead of laughing, so I would sounds like me, like the one they know.

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