Chapter 5

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Kageyama's POV

'You should die'



'I hate you'

The same things that mother said keep repeating in my head. The only thing that keep me sane is volleyball. I love playing it. I really do. But it made me control people around, I don't know what's wrong with it? I just wanted to connect everything, the serve, the receive, the set, the spike. But people doesn't like that. Of course they don't! What was I thinking? This was a long time ago incident, but it's still haunt me in my dreams.

I walk towards the vending machine. I insert the coins and of course pick my favorite drink, milk.

I open it and start drinking it while walking towards the gym.

It doesn't taste the same anymore. The same creamy, thick and sugared milk. The same drink that I was obsessed with. Now it taste nothing.

The same as pork curry, it just taste.. I don't know? It feels wrong when it doesn't taste how it used to be. Yet, I still look forward to eating and drinking it. Hoping maybe, I finally taste something.

Tsukishima's POV

"Hey king, walk faster can you?" I said, rolling my eyes.

Kageyama turn his head to me. He looked pale, his eyes doesn't show any 'hatred' like usual. He almost looks empty. He turn his head away and start walking faster.

"You look pale, your majesty. Why don't you go to the nurse office? Maybe you will get better and become the 'king of the court' again." I said, smirking.


Huh? Why didn't he say anything? Say something damnit.

He walked into the gym and I followed behind him.


I look at the voice and saw Yamaguchi besides the shrimp. I saw faint blush on his face.

Oh~! What do we have here? A crush I see~

Is that why you haven't been besides me anymore? You got a crush on someone. Well it's not gonna be that bad if I help him out a little. Gonna talk about this to akaashi-san and the other. They totally would agree to play matchmaker for Hinata.

"Yamaguchi, come here a bit." I said, rolling my eyes while smirking.

He looks a little cautious and start walking towards me.

"Yes, Tsukki?" he said.

"Didn't know you have a crush on someone." I said, grinning.

"Huh? What? I don't have any crush." he said, looking at the shrimp for a second then looked away.

"You literally look at that shrimp. You can't deny it. I'm your best friend."

"I don't have a crush on him! I definitely don't want to kiss his lips that looks soft and ruffle his soft hair."

"You make things more obvious. How long since you find out about this?"

"A few weeks ago, that's why I'm not usually around you. I need to know about my crush and got closer to him, so there's a chance for him to like me back. Sorry Tsukki." he said, giving a apologetic smile.

"It's fine. You can't be besides me all the time. You have life. You have dreams. Go chase it."

"Thank you, Tsukki! You are the best."

"Whatever." I said, looking around, embarrassed.

"What about you?"

"Huh? What about me?" I said, with a questioning look.

"You don't have any crush?"  Oh, now that I think about it. I don't think I have any. I mean, I hate everyone in this school (he loves his teammates, just don't wanna admit it).

Maybe I like Yamaguchi? But, I don't feel anything for him tho.  The girl who always talked to me? Lol of course not, she's probably the one who likes me anyways. I always got a sudden confession every month, I wonder why they like me? I have such a shitty attitude. Probably because my looks. Anyways, I don't have any feelings when they confessed to me, other than pity or annoyed. Maybe, I have feelings for someone in this te-


"Huh? What?"

"You zoned out when I asked if you have any crush. So?" he said, with a frown.

"Not sure." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, okay."


"Kageyama, are you okay?"

I turn my head towards the two boys. Curiosity got the best of me.

"I'm fine, boke."

"Did something bad happe-"

"Let's go try the new quick attack technique."

So quick to denying. Something must have happened.

"But you look-"

"I am fine, let's go."



"Aren't we being too quite today, king?" I said, with a teasing sounds and smirking.


Okay that's odd. Talk back to me damnit!

"Seriously, why are being too quite? Are you perhaps tired, your majesty? Want me to call the hospital to check up on you~?"

He walked away saying nothing.


"Good work today! Go home and rest." coach said.

"Kageyama! Can you set one last time for me before going home?" Hinata said, jumping around.


"Aww please??"

"No, sorry. I need to be home by 7pm." Kageyama said, walking to the clubroom faster than anyone.

"What? Why?" Hinata let out a whine.


Strange, he doesn't talk back to me after I insult him? Did something happened? He's fine right? He looks really sad-

Wait- why am I worrying about him? Maybe, it's nothing. I mean I do have feelings, who wouldn't worry if someone looks like they were about to break down?

Is he really fine?

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