New Book Trailer

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(Psst play the music)
"Heroes, people with extraordinary powers who have been around in the multiverse for a long time"

"With Great Power, Comes a Great Responsibility"

"It's Your Power too!"

"This is my power, and I'm not using it to run away anymore. I'm using it to protect my friends!"

"It means Hope"

"There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway."

A hero is defined not by his power, nor by his past, or his future goals. What defines a hero, is his drive, his selflessness, and his willingness to risk everything to protect the innocent."

"Just like with kings and leaders, a hero isn't born into the role, he's built from his experiences."

"Like how we fall and pick ourselves back up, the reason we make mistakes is to help us learn from them."

"Similar to Evolution itself, we grow as time goes by, and adapt to whatever may come our way."

"While not all men are created equal, all people can be strong!"

"It's not the power that makes a hero, it's what he choses to do with it."

"We don't trade lives"

"The slight difference between those who always aim for the top and those who don't, it'll come to matter in a big way once you all emerge into society."

"What happens the best you can do just...isn't enough?"

"You get an Upgrade!"

"If We Can't Protect The Earth, You Can Be Damn Well Sure We'll Avenge It!"

"We Are Groot!"

"Yeah, you know, you really should have stolen the whole book because the warnings... the warnings come after the spells."

"There is a right and a wrong in the universe, and the distinction is not hard to make."

"Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues."

"If you wanna stop this, then stand up" Because I've got one thing to say to you. Never forget who you want to become!"

"We Have A Hulk."

"Life doesn't give us purpose. We give life purpose."

"When will I know I'm ready?"

"You won't. That's all it is Miles, a leap of faith"

"Being a hero isn't about others knowing you did something good, it's about YOU knowing you did something good. Being a hero is its own reward."

"A smiling, dependable, cool hero...
That's what I wanna be! That's why
I'm giving it everything. For everyone!"

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