My own lanter Corps v2

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Hey guys flame here. So today I decided to make my own Lantern corps like green lantern or red lantern etc.

So with the help of my pal Rosh aka LordOfTheBrits I made the Crimson Lantern Corps they are the lanterns of Creativity.

Here is their oath the ring with the emblem and the lantern.

Pretty cool huh?

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Pretty cool huh?

As of right now there aren't really any members and idk if I'll go anywhere with the crimson lanterns.

Now being the lanterns of creativity this does mean anyone can really join as there are many ways one can be creative. You can make interesting and creative stories or music or other stuff like that.

The more creative the better

The ring obviously can do the things all other rings can do. The constructs are stronger the more creative the lantern is. Also they are special lanterns like black lanterns and white lanterns meaning they aren't really part of the emotion spectrum

If I ever get a character drawn up in a crimson lantern uniform I'll make an update. Other than that I'll see you guys later.

Update: yes this is basically the same as the previous chapter but I realized that it wasn't Crimson. Now it is.

Ok Bye!

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