Chaotic Theory

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Hey everyone. Flame here.

Today I have a theory about chaotic, a show about kids who split their minds in two and battle against each other as monsters.

This theory is mainly about the creator of the game and how they are possibly a scientist who was trying to make a teleporter but ended up combining their teleporter remote control with a PDA (personal digital assistant) and a camera which created the game chaotic.

Let's begin.

Now yes I do wanna say that I believe the world of Perim is possible an alternate world, dimension, universe or even alien planet and not, I repeat NOT a computer program making it seem like whenever the characters are there they are in a computer program cause that would mean the marillian invasion and the whole time travel thing were events the creator thought of. There's also the fact that the creatures in Perim are too intelligent to be programmed with AI.

But still I think it's possible Perim is an alien/alternate world, alternate dimension or different universe. Also I wanna note: it has been a long time I've seen the show, because of this I don't know if the creator of the game has ever been mentioned in the show as well as how it has been made.

Anyway let's get started.

Now let's go back many years before the game was made (most likely many years before the main characters were teens) a scientist was trying to open a portal, mainly to try and make travel as well as send packages or mail.

(Small note I'm just gonna say the scientist/creator is male, but for all we know the creator could be female)

With his first test the scientist had a remote control connected to the portal for wash usage. With his first test however the scientist instead was teleported to a different world with the controller in his hand.

Amazed he began to look around but upon seeing a battle between an Overworlder and Underworlder he pressed the same activation button on the controller.

All the while however on earth the scientist was angered thinking he failed. However upon seeing the activation button on his controller flash he pressed it causing the half that went to Perim to reunite with himself on earth.

With his discovery the scientist began working on the portal controller, this eventually became the scanners in the show.

Realizing he may need more funds the scientist thought of maybe creating art work of sorts using the landscapes of the other world.

Unfortunately though the scientist discovered he cannot bring any art supplies from earth to Perim. That's when he decided to rework the portal controller he made. Doing so he combined it with a PDA (personal digital assistant), a camera and the controller.

Once he did that he got to work, taking pictures of the various landscapes and made art work.

He eventually discovered that the images get saved on the prototype scanner and that he can teleport to those locations.

Realizing that the art of the landscapes wouldn't help him that much with his need of funds, the scientist began to think of another way to earn funds.

Eventually he thought of a card game.

As he worked on the game the scientist got images or scans of the creatures, battle gear, even attacks and mugic. Then he began to work on figuring out the rules and making stats for each monster.

Soon enough the scientist had everything planned.

At first he pitched it to some card companies. Once he got everything made he made sure a good majority of the funds went to him.

With the new funds he began to work on other studies. He eventually created the scanners that currently exist in the chaotic world.

He also discovered a way to make a portal that allows a person or object to travel to Perim (he eventually discovered the name of the world by listening to other creatures). There he created Chaotic (that big floating platform with all the battlefields and other stuff there.

The scientist then realized that he should have people to act as Administrators or protectors for the players if he wants to allow others to go to chaotic or Perim.

To do this the scientist requested various tournaments to be held, the winners would become the Code masters. 

Eventually the scientist had the scanners mass produced, the more funds he got the more he worked on Chaotic. Eventually creating all the technology there. Now his intelligence was actually increased the more he traveled hence why he was able to create the robots and other stuff in chaotic.

Soon enough the game was a worldwide phenomenon with many players (mainly teens) going to Chaotic and Perim.

I hope you all enjoyed, if your a fan of chaotic tell me what you all think.

Also this theory was actually inspired off of my friend humatrix-X-24 as he has a chaotic book on his account.

If this theory is true I would love it but hey I could be wrong but that's what I like about theories. People can make them however they want.

Make sure to star comment and share this with your friends. I'm flame and I'll see y'all later. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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