Fixing Reboot aliens

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Hey everyone flame here.

So Ben 10. It's a show I like.

It has a reboot that I'm ok with existing at this point. I do like some of the things it gave us such as Shock Rock or omni enhanced. However there are some aliens I do not like so I'm fixing them. These will mainly be the aliens that were made and introduced in the reboot, so any original aliens are excluded. That means while I would love to fix reboot wildvine and Stinkfly that won't be happening.

Additionally I'll be leaving out Shockrock and overflow. Shockrock cause there isn't much I'd change or fix with him while with overflow he's basically just waterhazard so I'd probably just make them the same species or smth kinda like the merk and perk Gourmands. I will be using some art to show off design changes.

First up Gax:

The only real change I would do with him is his name

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The only real change I would do with him is his name. Gax reminds me of Gak additionally it's kinda lazy Naming an alien after the last three letters of your greatest enemies name. Like seriously Ben just took the Gax from Vilgax.

A lot of people use the name Sucker Punch, I use Kraken so either of those or many other names would fit better.

Now for the last 2 I'll be providing some bios I made.

Next is Slap Back:

Next is Slap Back:

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Name: Slap Back

Species: Unknown

Species info/Homeworld info: Not much is known about slap backs race and their homeworld. What is known is that the blue spheres present on this aliens body can store kinetic energy within them allowing Ben to use said energy later. Additionally ben can alter his size, max is humongosaurs standard height who'll the minimum is roughly 3 ft or so, he can also alter specific body parts, such as his fists.

Kinetic Absorption/Redirection
Mass Amplification
Weight Amplification
Density Amplification
Strength Amplification
Duplicate Assimilation
Durability Amplification
Size Alteration
Heat Resistance
Lava Immunity
Wind Resistance
Sharp Teeth
Enhanced Flexibility
Enhanced Agility

Additional info on the change: I felt like not every race needs their species name and info so I left it blank. I changed slapback powers from kinetic duplication to kinetic absorption and redirection, like t'challa's suit from black Panther mainly as it would fit better with slap backs name, you slap him he slaps you back.

Finally the alien who made me wanna do this in the first place. Surge.

Name: Surge

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Name: Surge

Species: Unknown

Species info/Homeworld info: An unknown race from an unknown planet, these beings seem to travel in swarms of small micro machines that make up its body. They are controlled by a central unit which is usually where the omnitrix is. They are hive minded.

Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Durability
Body Alteration
Size Alteration
Optic Laser
Force Field Generation

Additional info on this change: ok this alien is the main reason I did this. Surge by himself sucks. The worst is a better choice for Ben. So I decided to fix surge by making it essentially nanites. It would fit better and could possibly have connections with the nano chips from alien swarm

So yea what do y'all think.
I especially wanna know from humatrix-X-24 Misaka_Omnitrix BraedimusSupreme Aphromatrix-C-37 and GangstaGenos

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