Finished my fucking work baby feb.23

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How did I do it???

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you just piled all the work you need to do down to the days they are do?

Going into Saturday I had the daunting task of completing an art project, a lab assignment, accounting homework, Business administration homework and 3 quizzes!!! All of which I didn't study for during the week. 

But I still went out and hung out with my friends. I didn't say anything about Saturday but it was an eventful day. 

1) I hung out with my high school best friend (girl) of 5 years and my close college guy friend and his friend (guy). It was low-key kinda a double date. Then I unexpectedly saw my middle/elementary School best friend and it was a complete shock that after so many years of wanting to hang out we bumped into each other. I'll call her Megan. Megan and I used to be thick as thieves and it's weird how we rarely talk now other than responding to snapchat stories and streaks. I truly miss her and wish things were more convenient for both of us. 

2) Right before I met my friends at the mall I left my shoes on the counter and HAD NO FUCKING SHOES AT THE MALL. At least we were already at the mall and I was able to buy a pair from H&M on sale, but it was mortifying since my feet were NOT cute. But now I have a new pair of shoes I like. 

3) Wandavision. I am currently obsessed with the Wandavision series. Every Friday at 3 am (since it airs on pacific coast time) I watch the newest episode right when it hits Disney Plus. The shoe is absolutely my crack cocaine and I hate that I have to wait every week for the episode. However, that makes watching the episode even more exciting because the anticipation lives up to the hype. 

Now that I've talked about Friday night/Saturday

Sunday was a stressful day that spilled into Monday. I was up at the crack of dawn getting started on my homework. Everything was do at the 11:59 or 8 am, but I have a class at 8 am so working up until the deadline was not an option. I'll spare the uninteresting part and just say what the result was. 

I spent the entire day pulling my hair trying to get work done, then getting so stressed out I had to take a nap, which eat into the time I have to work, which makes me stress, which makes me literally stay to pull my hair out. 

Long story short; I'm BALD!

Jk, but I'm getting there if I do this ever again. I've said it before but maybe writing down the gut wrenching experience will remind to just.. Do my Fucking Work.

Dear Future me, When you come back to read this, stop being a little bitch baby and get the damn work done. 

I've had weeks where I do finish all my work before the weekend and able to really enjoy, but sometimes I fall off my rocker. 

But you know what! I'm back and it's round 2. I'm going to be proactive!!! That's enough. and thank you to anyone reading this sort of therapy book. Leave a comment of any stories relating or just say hi. 


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