March 10

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February was such a fun month. So fun in fact, I didn't write an entry. lol! oopsie!

March, however, only a week in and I almost exploded. I just decided not to go to class and I feel so much better. It's just wonderful how that works. Sometimes you need to take one step back to move 3 steps forwards.

Here where I am since I last updated.

The guys I was talking to is gone. Maybe dead or in prison, is what I like to think because those are the only reasons I can accept for him not texting me back. I stopped seeing another guy, because there was just nothing there. And I bought a keyboard. 

Villan's origin story? Descent into madness? Mach Madnesss. Last night I watched "The Guilty", this movie starring Jake Gyllehall and he's a murderer. It was so tense and didn't help at all with my stress. I then watched "Dark Knight", which somehow helped calm me down. Kinda a big indicator I'm turning into a psycho. Something about watching Harvey Dent start out as such a good guy, then turn evil. Was he always a good guy then. Good people don't just lose half their face and decide to murder people. Somehow that movie helped me sleep. Maybe because if the same principle is applied vice versa, a person born evil could lose half their face and turn good. I don't know. People change and sometimes into bad, but then that would me they could change into good. 

I don't know what path I am on at the moment. I just hope I get a good job with benefits.

 My hair is natural right now. I like it that way. I rarely show off my hair in its natural state. It's pretty, curly, short and simple. I smells like gel because that's the only thing that will tame it, but at least it looks cute. 

I'm gonna write a short story now. I'm 2 weeks behind. I've come up with different scenes and ideas, but I haven't gone through putting things on paper. 

I went to da club. It was gross. My shoes are dirty with "bar tar". My diet which I was two months strong was ruined. Luckily I didn't see anyone vomit. That's always a plus. I kinda made a new friends, but it's been two weeks so I don't wanna jinx it. 

At the moment, I'm in the middle of attending the class I didn't want to go to virtually. I'm not paying attention at all and I know I will have to learn the info for the exam, but I don't care. It can wait till after spring break. I guess I'm just excited to make music. upload some content fingers crossed.  

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