NOV17. Another Fucking Rant

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I think sometimes. and while i was thinking, I was thinking about how fucked up the dating scene is right now. 

I was listening to male friends rant about how so many women are hoes, they can't cook, they can't clean, they always chasing after dudes for money. but for so long women have been treated like commodities. valued for sexual inexperience, or being able to pass for it.

A girl with too high a body count is a slut, but she gives good head. Why don't you date her? well, I don't want a hoe. coming from the dude who's sleep with half the student body. 

How dare you judge someone for their sexual experience, but then you can't stand people that don't have the right expertise. Like damn, and this is why it's difficult to date men my age. They're still at the point of dating an illusion, rather than a real woman. 

but any who I bought a shit ton of make up to increase my chance in the dating game. A part of me is like i don't want someone that needs my to paint my face, but at the same time, wouldn't hurt to look cuter. I've already told myself this is an investment and once I find someone I'm going to take all their moneyyyyy, just kidding, but like I invested. My sugar daddy will come someday and now that I have painted my face darkend my eyelashes etc it'll be worth it. 

I watched this video on how to write. Wow, your whole life can change with one video. I feel motivated and confident in my writing now. I have a hard time focusing, but I feel so centered. I started working out. Fingers crossed, i will last more than a month. 

I also listened to RED (taylor's version). It such a good album, couldn't put it down. I waited to listen until my vinyl arrived. I also bought the cardigan and now I am broke.

I had a breakthrough. One of my post on tumblr finally got some love. I post no matter the amount of likes, but it felt good to feel praise for something I spent a lot of time on. 

I have a break from school. For the next, week and half I'll just be skating by. I still have to study for final exams, but I'm not worried at all. Well, a little bit. 

It's the 17th, but I already gave my boss the heads up that at the end of decmeber I'm resigning. I like the job, but it really drains me. It's a job I have to give a lot of focus and attention, and that's just impossible when right after i have to go to work and pretend to care about those things. 

The view out my window is sick. I love staring at the trees. The only reason I refuse to move out is because of this view. I can't get over how much I love it. anyway, I'm out of things to talk about

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