March 2, 2021- I ran, I stopped, and I kept going

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SO, my big goal for 2021 is to get back to my old habits. Last year, I was on a 3 month streak of healthy eating and exercise. I was doing super well, but then covid happened and I lost all will to keep going. 

So it's time for my to keep going.

My old routine

4:30-Wake up and self-loathe, then turn on the tv and watch an episode of Scooby-doo.

5:00-Get up out of bed and start the hot water for tea.

take a shower, brush teeth, prepare snacks for the day, pour tea into mug.

5:45-Start the car

6:00-Get in the car and drop mom off at work

6:45-Leave mom's job and go to school

7:00-Work on any school work not done or get a head start on work or go to sleep in car

7:50-Head to first period

8:10-11:50(Boring school classes)

Eat lunch

Chill in Teacher's room (either do work or just hang out)

2:00-Go to soccer practice

2:30-play around


6:00- eat protein bar


7:00-shower, then start some homework


9:00-either do work or watch tv

11:00-go to bed

Then i was usually asleep from 11:00-4:30 which is 6 and a half hours. 

And I would eat snack throughout the day so I was never having big meals.

I was so proud of how energized I felt and stable, so I want that again and it's going to take time for me to find the perfect combo. 

I'm not in high school anymore so for school work I'm basically setting my own hours. 

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