A death march (MArch 27)

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I have 10 hours until the midterms of midterms. This will define the next  10 months of my life. I'm being overdramatic.

but i--

want to die

I hate feeling this stressed. i hate the feeling of being about to vomit. 

But I don't want to fail again

I studied 10X's harder and idk. i studied last time and still failed. I'm convinced anyone who go a 100 is either has no life or cheated. like how the fuck did you understand the exam. I'm so scared. As long as I don't get lower than my last grade, i'm fine. That still doesn't calm me down. i'm so freaking stressed

My skin feels like it's about melt off. My throat keeps closing up and i feel at any moment my body is going to give up. I hate this class. I hate college. I hate online school. 

online school is okay for 1 or 2 class, but i can't stand having every single class online. i can't stand how awkward it is to ask teachers questions. 

If i fail. I'm going to cry and maybe just be a homeless person. 

Who needs a job, or ambition, when you can live on the streets. Or i can just live with different family memebers. I hate life right now. 

Oh great, here comes the water works. i'm crying. Tears are actually falling down my face. From the corner of my inner eye, to my lips. I drink the salty tears. 

ah!! refreshing. 

I don't even know what I want to be. Or how to pay taxes. I'm done, I quit. might as well turn my back on the world before it turns it back on me. Gosh, I just want-- 

NO, that' s what I said about high school, and look now it's over I'm dealing with this. I don't want to go forward or backwards. i just want to stop. and never have to take this exam. I need to get back to studying. 

i hate studying for this. I might as well be studying how to be homless. i just checked!!! and google actually gave me an answer. #1 is layers of clothing are key 😂. Gosh, i would be a good homeless person. I already don't shower some days. And don't give me that ewww! bullshit. I didn't leave the house at all today or do any physical activities, wow would I wash what isn't dirty, shut the fuck up, I'll wash when there's something to clean. 

Now, time to study😭💀

Shanty out😢

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