January 14, 2022

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This week went super well. I never want to forget how well this week went. I'm really making strides here in 2022 and I hope they pay off. I've worked out almost everyday. I'm quite sore so I made today a rest day. My neck was so sore I had to use pain meds to get out of bed. But I'm fine now. I changed my hair a little bit. I usually curl it, but I decided to straigten it, just for kicks. I'm going to braid it and let it grow. It's grown so long. My hair is truly in a healthy place. So now the rest of my body needs to catch up. 

I'm enjoying all of my classes so far. Yesterday was the second day of classes and I made sure to handwrite all my notes. I'm doing well. I've gotten better at handwriting notes and going forward I'm going to stick with that. My schedule isn't overwhelming. The exercise has been helping me with energy. I can actually function for more than 8 hours a day. 

I've been playing Animal Crossing in my free time and it's so addictive. This is my first full week and I've accomplished so much. I haven't been able to build roads yet, but I'm getting there. I have one room in my house, so not bad for one week. 

I got an apple watch so I can calorie count and track how long I'm standing. I never realized how often I'm sitting down. The watch has been encouraging me to stand and the first week was super hard, but it's 5pm and I have one more hour of standing to complete my goal. Last week I had to stand from 6-11 because I had 5 hours left of standing. You know I gotta close my rings. It's also good for running. I don't have to run with my phone anymore which is nice, but now I have to bring at least my camera so I can remember to take pictures along my trail. 

I'm writing thoughts and feelings everyday which is my goal. But I want to get better at my fiction writing. I have 3 books, which I'm stuck on. I just need to simplify the meaning I want to get across and keep writing. It's the chapter 3 that are always the hardest to get past, because I'll get an idea and have to change chapters 1 and 2. I can't count how many times I've changed the beginning of my stories. I don't know how authors write a cohesive story that longer than 3 chapters. There's always something I want to add or change or I just don't know I to make the story follow the track I put it on. Someday I'll get better and that's what your 20's are for. Plenty of authors didn't publish there first story until they were in their 40's. Short stories are easy, but I  like the challenge of writing something longer.

My songs are coming along quite nicely. Since I've been more proactive with my songwriting; making voice memos, saving ideas in my notes, and constantly thinking I can really see myself putting a single on Spotify or maybe an ep. It's not going to be big, but the point of art is appreciation.

I'm very introspective in my writing: most artist are. I sometimes forget other people exist in this world. I'm getting better at that making sure to tell people I love them. Humans are such social creatures. For most, their existence is dependent on other people seeing them. I do value acknowledgment, but I've found I won't die without it.

There. That's the update. I've written so many entries but delete them because they're too personal or just plain embarrassing. But who is honestly reading this. There it is me needing validation. 

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