May 1-2

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I absolutely love the month of May. School ends I get to relax with my newfound freedom of not having to do any work. I get to read what I want to read, and not what I'm assigned to read. I listen to music. I lollygag all day. But TBH, the first days are kinda hard since I have so many options of what I can do. I don't have much time either since in a week I start the summer classes I signed up for. Really don't want to be in college forever. 

I made the most of May 1st took a nap in the grass in my backyard. Watched youtube. Did some writing. I'm so great at starting books and coming up with what I believe to be a neat story. But I never finish them, unless it's a short story. 

I have so much to do that I want to do, in so little time. I'm burdened by these choices. and the fact my room is still a disaster from the people renovating my bathroom. They're so close to finishing. The last thing to put in is the sink and then I can clean my room of all the junk. I just want my room back. 

Nothing else exciting happening. I'm enjoying my isolation and don't wanna come out. Someday, when I'm rich enough I'll buy a private island and live away from society. I'm really ready to get away at this point.

I'm hungry, going to go eat now. 

Shanty out🔮💖🍉 

Fun!: Practically therapy for the WickedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat