Keep Holding On, If You Can

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“UGHHHH” Calum groaned, it had been another week without a sighting of Ashton or Luke. It was like they’d become untraceable and it was driving Calum, Michael and their families crazy. Calum found himself at Ashton’s more than he was at home. He felt Ashton’s mum Anne-Marie needed the company because without Ashton she felt so lost.

Calum’s mum understood and was always there for moral support for the both of them. She was scared that maybe Calum would be next and Calum couldn’t say the thought hadn’t crossed his mind either. He had even told Michael of his worries, which the Red-head surprisingly shared. 

Ashton had been missing for 14 months now and Luke for a little over 2 weeks, He’d gone missing a few days before Christmas. It was so out of character for him. Michael’s family had spent Christmas with Luke’s mum Liz and the rest of the Hemming’s Clan but it just wasn’t the same without Luke. 

He’d usually be the first one awake, smiling big and radiating happiness. He was so childlike getting so excited to open presents and bursting with energy. But this Christmas there was no happiness in the Hemming’s house, they had tried to enjoy their day and make the most of Christmas but without Luke, there wasn’t much of a Christmas. 

It was the same story in the Irwin House, Mama Irwin and the kids. Harry and Lauren had been joined by Calum and his family but they missed Ashton’s bright smile and infectious laugh, he’d usually be the one keeping the kids amused with Calum. But this time the kids didn’t want to play games, they just wanted their big brother back.

A few weeks later and although most of their efforts were in vain, Calum and Michael were still trying everything they could think of to find their best friends.

Calum had taken Anne-Marie to the beach for the day whilst the kids were at school; it was there that Calum had arranged to meet Michael, Liz and the rest of the Hemming’s family.  He was  searching through the many faces in the crowd for that one familiar face he’d grown fond of and It didn’t take him long to spot the bright red hair, walking straight towards him.  

Calum waited with Anne-Marie, noticing the sadness in her eyes, he took her hand in his giving her silent reassurance. She was so fragile and had become a shell of the bubbly smiling Aussie lady Calum had grown to love. Calum was like a third son to her and right now, he was her rock.

He looked back up noticing the slightly shorter blonde lady following close behind Michael, she looked so tired as if she hadn’t slept properly in days and Calum immediately knew it was Liz being flanked by two tall blonde guys. Whom he guessed were Luke’s brothers.  The same look of sadness was evident in both boys’ eyes, but the smiles on their faces kept the sadness hidden in their eyes.

He smiled slightly as Michael approached him giving him a small hug “Hey Calum, Anne, how’re you?” He asked sweetly. Calum shrugged a little before speaking up “We’re as okay as we can be Mikey, How about you?” Michael just shrugged and gave him the “pretty much the same” look and smiled softly at Anne, before turning slightly and speaking up a bit louder “Well Calum, this is Luke’s mum Liz and his two brothers Jack and Ben, Guys this is Calum and Anne-Marie. Ashton’s mum” he motioned to each one as he named them.

Calum smiled at them all, shaking each of their hands “Hello, it’s nice to meet you all. We’re sorry to hear about Luke, we want to help you guys find him” he said sincerely.  Liz smiled a little and Jack and Ben nodded. “It’s nice to meet you too Calum, That’s so kind of you, we’d like to help you find Ashton, isn’t it?” She spoke with a hushed voice, not sure if she’d got the right name. Anne found her voice and spoke softly “Yes that’s right; oh I miss him so much. I hope our boys are together. Then maybe they can keep each other safe” She trailed off with a small smile.

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