On the Horizon

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Michael squeezed his eyes and grabbed Calum's hand, gripping it tightly "Oh God, Calum please make it stop. I don't like it" Calum just chuckled, shaking his head at his now black haired friend. They were currently on the plane to LA to appear on Ellen and Michael was more than slightly terrified of being thousands of feet in the air, despite joking to Calum yesterday about wanting to join the mile high club.

Calum was more than happy to keep Michael calm even if his mind was in overdrive. He just couldn't stop thinking about Ashton. They've been practically brothers since they were in nappies and now here he was flying halfway across the world to try and save him. Even though Anne and Liz were right and this could potentially help them find the missing boys, he couldn't help the bad feeling in his stomach telling him they should've stayed in Sydney. 

He's doubts since the day they'd all decided to go to LA and he doesn't think he'll be able to forgive himself if something happens while they're gone. He's saved Ashton's life once before and he doesn't think he'll be able to cope if he had to go through the pain of almost losing his brother completely a second time. 

He looked over at Michael who was now asleep and smiled fondly at the boy. He'd almost forgotten that he wasn't in this alone anymore, he had someone who knew exactly what he was going through. Michael shifted in his sleep and nuzzled his face into Calum's neck resembling a cute kitten.  Calum decided it would probably be best if he tried to get some sleep as well, it was going to be a long couple of days and he needed all the rest he could get.  So he snuggled down next to Michael, resting his head on top of Michaels and closed his eyes, willing himself to sleep.

They landed at LAX a few hours later and after telling Michael to stop singing Party in the USA at least 10 times, they had finally arrived at their hotel and just when the two teenagers thought they could relax Anne appeared at their door telling them to get ready as they were heading to the Ellen show for filming in the next hour.
The moment they stepped in the door they could feel everyone's eyes on the, someone immediately running up to them and greeting them, they seemed a bit to chirpy for Calum and Michaels liking but that could have something to do with the long ass flight they just got off.

They were soon rushed into a dressing room and told to wait for further instructions, they all sat quietly Calum on the couch, Michael on the desk chair in the corner of the room and Liz and Anne sat together next to Calum.  They were all excitedly chatting about what they thought might happen when they met Ellen, hoping that somehow it would bring them closer to their lost loved ones.

Calum pulled out his phone to keep him occupied but immediately put it back in his pocket when he saw the lock screen of him and Ashton, he sighed lightly catching Anne's attention  "Cal, he probably misses you just as much as you miss him. I know its hard but you're being so strong and im so proud of you.  You're not just Ashton's rock anymore. You're mine too and I wouldn't have coped this well if it wasn't for you Calum. We've just got to keep smiling and stay strong just a little longer. We'll get him back soon" She spoke softly to him, holding his hand in hers and kissing the top of his head in a motherly way. "He'd be so proud of you Calum" she smiled as he  pulled her into a hug "He'd be more proud of you though Mama Irwin" Calum spoke with a smile making Anne smile even bigger.

Soon the time came for their appearance on Ellen and judging by the cheers from the audience they had a lot of supporters over here already. The screams and cheers got even louder as they all walked out onto the stage the two teens staying behind the Mums as they all hugged Ellen and took their seats on her couch.

Anne's P.O.V
It was quite refreshing for us to be out of Australia and around so many people that are supporting us through this ordeal. Our video must have touched more people than we thought. Ellen was so lovely she was really happy and tried her best to keep us all smiling. I noticed Calum's smile falter when she mentioned Ashton so I gave his arm a gentle squeeze to reassure him he'd be okay.
"So y'all have been searching for a long time right? Do you know why they took your boys specifically?" Ellen asked Liz and I.

Liz smiled weakly and cleared her throat "We have no idea, they were just taken from us. no ransom note, no message to tell us they were okay at the very least. Nothing. They just disappeared without trace"

Calum nodded along and spoke softly "We just have to keep holding on for as long as we can because we aren't going to give up on them. As we said in the video the police have told us there is little to no chance of us finding them alive but we refuse to give up on our boys. That's why we made the video because we ran out of other options..." he trailed off and Ellen nodded with a  tear in her eye.

She then looked at us all "Well you're video has touched on everyone's hearts and you've got everyone helping to find them. Now we called you last week and invited you out here because you guys are truly remarkable and your heart-breaking plea has been viewed by over a million people now and they all want to help you. We want to help you in any way that we can. So we're going to give you a cheque for 5 thousand dollars to hopefully help pay for anything you need to help find Ashton and Luke. I wish I could do more I really do"

She smiled sympathetically and we all teared up and choked out thankyous. We couldn't have been more greatful. I spoke shakily as I knew my voice would crack otherwise "Thankyou so much Ellen, you have no idea how much this means to us" she smiled and gave me a hug "Anytime Mama Irwin, you'll have to come back sometime and let me meet your handsome sons" she joked with us before continuing.

"Now Calum, you sang a song at the end of the video didn't you, is that an original?"  He nodded and spoke softly "Yeah, I wrote it in about an hour, I just had a really bad day, I missed Ashton and I wanted to pour my feelings out the only way I knew how. I still really miss him" his voice cracked and he hid his face in his hands.

This was the hardest thing we'd had to do, but our hope was about to get brighter.

A/N Hey guys, I'm sorry for the delay i've been on holiday and then
all sorts happened once i got home. but now im back on track with
writing i hope. Like and comment and let us know what you think ~ Kat
AKA AshtonsBlondie <3

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