Personal Hells

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Whilst Ashton and Luke where being held captive, in their own personal hell. There were two boys who were also living their own personal hell. They had no idea where there best friends were or what had happened to them.  The only thing keeping them going was the small glimmer of hope that they were still alive.

Calum had been best friends with Ashton since they were kids, Ashton being a couple months older was always very protective of him, he knew Calum found it hard to talk to people and hated when the other kids would make fun of him. He stuck by Calum’s side never once caring about what people said about him at school. All that mattered was the young Kiwi boy he called his best friend.

As they got older Calum became more confident and made a few more friends but he never once forgot Ashton, they sat together at lunch and always hung out after school. They were inseparable…..

Until a year ago

Ashton went missing on his way home from school, he said goodbye to Calum and his small group of friends at the school gates, waving and telling them he’d see them at school the next morning, smiling brightly he turned the corner and as far as Calum knew he went home.

When his phone rang a few hours later his phone rang, he thought nothing of it and walked slowly over to his phone but when he saw the screen flashing with Ashton’s home number on it, He knew something was wrong. 

Ashton never phoned on his house phone, Calum hesitantly picked it up hearing Mama Irwin’s frantic voice on the other end immediately had his heart racing “Calum, have you seen Ashton? Is he with you?” She rushed out her voice shaking with worry and anxiousness. 

Calum swallowed thickly to hold back the tears that rushed to his eyes “No I haven’t Anne, the last time I saw him was at the school gates about 3, why what’s wrong? What’s happened?” Worry now apparent in his voice as well.

“He’s um…he’s gone missing Calum, he never came home from school and no one has seen him, please let me know if you hear from him” She croaked out, sounding broken. Ashton was her world and Calum was going to find him, and bring him back to her.

It’s been a year and Ashton is still missing, the police have put searching on hold until they get a new lead. But Calum isn’t giving up, he knows his best friend is out there somewhere and he won’t stop till he’s found. He still drives around town trying to find any trace of the Hazel eyed Aussie. 

He was currently standing in a gas station waiting to pay and he noticed the News was playing on the small tv in the corner of the shop. They showed a picture of a Blonde haired, blue-eyed boy.  He’d disappeared a few days ago and Calum’s eyes widened. Not another innocent boy. He secretly hoped this boy was with Ashton somewhere because he knew he’d be at least somewhat safe if Ashton could protect him.

It was then that Calum notice the red-headed boy at the counter, he was asking the cashier to put up a picture of the same blue-eyed boy. He looked so sad, so full of hope that even though the cashier merely nodded and muttered an “I hope you find him soon bud” before placing the poster in the window.  It brought a small smile to the boys pale face. Calum felt a sense of empathy for the poor boy, they were going through the same thing, and maybe they could help each other find their loved ones.

He quickly paid for his gas and sped out of the door to his car, following the route the red-head had taken. He noticed him sitting on a small park bench a little way from the gas station, he rolled the car to a stop, climbing out and walking over to the boy. Calum sat beside him now noticing the boys shoulders shaking with silent sobs, he cautiously placed a hand on the boys shoulder not wanting to scare him. 

“Hey, I saw you in the gas station and I wanted you to know, that I may not know you but I’m here if you need me. My best friend went missing as well, I know what you’re going through and I figured we might be able to get through it together?”  I asked hesitantly watching the boys facial expressions change from scared to shock. 

“Th…Thank you that means a lot to me…. I’m Michael” he spoke softly through his tears.

“Hi Michael, I’m Calum” I said with a small smile, holding my hand out for him to shake.

He shook it and then wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve. He looked so lost, like he’d lost his safety blanket and he didn’t know what to do.

We sat on that bench for ages and I listened to him tell me about the Blonde boy whose name I learned was Luke.

He told me how he’d met Luke in kindergarten and He and Luke had been inseparable. They did everything together and as they’d grown up they’d made sure that even though they made new friends no one came before their friendship. He told me how he found out Luke had gone missing, the phone call he received the day after he saw Luke. How Luke's brother Jack had practically begged Michael to tell him Luke was safe with him.

Calum reached over and placed his hand on top of the red-headed boys smaller one as Michael sniffled his eyes brimming with tears. hearing Michael speak reminded him of the similar phone-call he'd had with Mama Irwin and felt his eyes well-up with tears at the painful memory.

Michael loved Luke like a little brother, being that the blonde was a year younger than him made him so what protective over the dorky lad. So not knowing where Luke was drove him crazy, how can he protect him if he doesn’t know where he is. He and His and Luke’s families had helped with the search for the older lad who went missing a year ago. They never realised that they’d be doing the same for someone so dear to them a year later almost to the day.

They’d put up posters next to those of 17 year old Ashton, they made up t-shirts and done press conferences with the police pleading for Luke to come home. Michael spent every day with Luke’s family helping them search and wouldn’t give up until his best friend was back at home where he belonged.

And even though they had just met, Calum and Michael decided that if they worked together with Ashton and Luke’s families they’d stand more of a chance of finding them. 

It’s been a long time without those two boys whose smiles light up the lives of those around them and It may take a while but with the courage and strength of the two lost boys and the hope and determination of their families, friends and community.  Maybe just maybe, they might survive.

(A/N Hey omg im so sorry this has taken so long, i got back from holiday on Tuesday night and i've been really busy since then. I hope you enjoy this chapter, its a little back ground into the guys and their best friends! Please Vote and Comment. We'd love to know what you think.
Kat AKA AshtonsBlondie :)  )

Psstttt Damned One says hi lol ♡♡♡

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