Turn Around Bright Eyes

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I woke up a little while later, I didn’t feel like I’d been asleep that long. Then again I’ve been down here so long I’ve lost track of time. Heck I don’t even know what month or day it is. It could be the middle of the night for all I knew. I sighed to myself and couldn’t help but think, will I ever get out of here?

I heard a small shuffling sound coming from the bed and momentarily panicked before remembering that it was Luke, the poor guy that had joined me in hell yesterday. At least we have each other; it doesn’t seem as scary with Luke here. 

Speaking of Luke he started to whimper, so I peered of at him and noticed he was still asleep. It must be a nightmare.  His whimpers started getting louder, turning into cries. He also began saying things like “No, please don’t take me. Help me someone please!” He was tossing and turning and becoming more frightened. 

“Luke, wake up….Lukey” I whispered gently as a shook his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open as he looked at me with wide eyes. 

“Ashton?” He questioned.

“I’m right here, I’ve got you. You’re safe now” I spoke softly, moving to sit next to him on the cot and wrapping my arms around him protectively. 

“Thank you, I’m sorry if I woke you up” He whispered, looking somewhat ashamed.

I lifted his chin “Hey I was already awake, the floor isn’t exactly comfortable” I chuckled slightly.

He giggled a little and my heart melted. He was so cute with the blanket wrapped round his shoulders. It made him look so vulnerable. But the smile on his face was bright and it gave me hope that together we’d survive.

I heard a bang come from the other side of the door. Must be the kidnappers coming to give us food. I don’t know about Luke but I’m starving. I’ve only been getting small amounts of food, but not very often. It’s like they’re torturing us. I added another strike to the wall. A constant reminder of how long I’ve been in here.

Luke shuffled closer to me, a frightened look crossing his face as footsteps approached the door and the sound of a key in the lock. He hid his face in my chest and my breath hitched in my throat. He is adorable.

The kidnappers came in, with their mask on as usual and slid a tray of food along floor “Such good kids” one of them chuckled as they shut the door again, the key turning in the lock and the footsteps disappearing. I looked at Luke’s face and laughed at the disgusted face he pulled at the food.

“Eww, we have to eat that?” He said as he scrunched up his nose.

“Not if you don’t want to, don’t know when we’re going to eat again though” I mumbled.

He grimaced “I’d rather not”

I smiled a little and shrugged “I don’t blame you to be honest”

He giggled again and I smiled fondly at him, looking him over. My eyes landing on his wrist, I reached over to hold it and he looked at me, confusion flashing in his eyes. “I’m going to have to put a fresh bandage on it for you. I don’t want it to get infected” I spoke as I grabbed the first aid box from the floor by the bed.

His eyes widened “No! Not the peroxide again” I rubbed the back of the hand I was holding and started to un-wrap the bandage “I don’t have to clean it, just wipe it with a cloth and re-bandage it” I said reassuringly.

After I’d re-bandaged Luke’s wrist, we sat opposite each other and decided to get to know each other a little better, since we’d be sharing a cell for god knows how long.

I learnt that Luke loved penguins and that he had a dog called Molly that he loved a lot. He also told me about his two brother’s Jack and Ben and how even though they teased him a lot, he missed them.  He was now telling me about my parent’s efforts to find me.

“They’re doing everything they can to find you, and now my parents will be doing the same for me. How are they going to find us?” He asked me, almost childlike.

“I don’t know Luke, I wish I knew but I really don’t” I sighed.

He nodded and I began to tell him about me. I told him what I could remember of my family about Harry and Lauren and my mum. I also told him about my dog Indie and how much I missed them all. “Indie loves biting things so we gave her a Ken doll. All that’s left of him is a torso, she’s eaten his arms and legs” I laughed, wiping the stray tear off my face.

“They miss us too you know” He smiled reassuringly at me. I nodded my head as a yes and smiled back.

“As bad as it sounds, I’m glad you’re here with me Luke, I couldn't ask for a cuter cell mate” I winked at him and he blushed Tomato red “you um… you look like a tomato bud” I commented as he blushed an even deeper shade of red. I couldn't help but laugh.  It feels good to laugh; it makes everything a little better.

“Hey shut up Ashton” He shoved my shoulder and I smiled brightly. He bit his lip. Wow that’s hot. “Omg your dimples are so cute, I’m a sucker for dimples” he blushed.  Looks like I’m not the only one with a crush, I haven’t known him more than a day and I’m already starting to like him.  

“And I’m a sucker for bright blue eyes” I flirted back, winking at him again.  He giggled slightly and bit his lip. “Stop Ashton, your making me blush” I smiled and looked down at the floor “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to keep you smiling” He had a questioning look on his face “Why?” I looked down, feeling ashamed all of a sudden “Because you’re too cute to cry” I mumbled before his fingers lifted my chin up and my hazel eyes met his baby blues. 

I look back to the food, "No but really." I say pointing at the wall, "You really should eat it. I has like no flavor but it fills you up for like two days." I say.

I stand up to and pull my shirt up, showing off my skin and bone frame that speaks volumes. "Eat it." I say as I shove a fork full of the grainy food. I no longer gag when eating it, but Luke does.

I can't help but laugh, and shake my head, "You'll get used to it." I assure and keep eating the bland tasting food.

Once I finish I take the the empty tray and set it on the steps, like a good boy would. I make a face of disgust and shivered.

Once Luke is done he does the same. I take my seat back on the cot and pull my knees to my chest. Luke takes a seat by me and leans his head on my shoulder. I smile at him, because a smile feels like the biggest lie I've ever told.

Then the sounds back, the door is unlocked and their loud steps boom down the steps, "Oh Ashton, come on kid you know the drill." He chuckles and grabs my arm roughly and drags my up the stairs.

The last thing I hear before the door is shut is Luke screaming my name.

A/N Hey Guys, Its AshtonsBlondie. Firstly I just wanna thank Abi for letting me be her Co-Author because she's an amazing writer and I love her stories  and secondly, we hope you like our story. Comment and tell us what you think
Kat Aka AshtonsBlondie (:

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