Just Keep Swimming.

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Michael was sat eating his cereal in front of the TV not really paying attention to the episode of SpongeBob that was currently playing, when he heard a small scream coming from upstairs and at first he assumed it was either Anne or Liz and he panicked as he ran up the stairs to find her. He was rather shocked when he realised that the scream hadn't come from Anne or Liz but instead the owner of the not so manly scream was in fact Calum.

Calum was sat up in his bed with crazy hair grinning wildly at his laptop screen his eyes shining as he smiled. Michael was beyond confused by now and groaned inwardly "wtf are you screaming for dude?" he questioned the kiwi lad. Calum however didn't answer but instead spun his laptop around and pointed at the corner of the screen and Michael's eyes widened "Holy crap Cal, 500.000 views already that's insane" He shouted excitedly.

Which made Calum smile even bigger "Isn't it awesome Mikey? We might be able to find them now. We've had so many comments telling us to stay strong and that we aren't alone in this anymore. It's more than we hoped for, do you think we'll find them?" He spoke with a sincere tone looking up at the red-headed boy with hopeful eyes.

Michael just sat beside Cal pulling the guy into a hug and sighed quietly "I really hope so Calum, I mean look we have comments from people all over Australia and the world. There is no way they're not going to go un-noticed anymore. We've just got to keep our hopes up and we might just find them" He mumbled into Calum's hair so only Calum could hear him, The younger of the two simply nodded and snuggled into Michael's chest feeling safe as the older boy wrapped his arms around him.

They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, neither of them wanting to move for fear that if they did they'd be brought back to reality with a bump because even though they hadn't known each other that long they had become very close and they supported each other. It was comforting for the two boys to know they had someone to turn to when things got tough, both boys knew that as rare as it was they were both in the same situation and even though it sucked, they knew that they had become friends for life.

They told Anne and Liz the good news and it was no surprise that the two mums were crying, but this time they were happy tears and they hugged the two boys repeating the words "Thank you so much" as they did so. It might have been silly to some people that they were so overwhelmed by the amount of views on their YouTube videos but to them it meant the world because it meant that their chances of finding their beloved sons was becoming more likely.

The four of them were so happy, that they almost missed the light ringing of the phone, as it was her house Anne answered it and he face lit up at what was being said to her on the other end of the line, after a short while of her listening intently and replying with an occasional "okay" or "yes" she hung up. The smile on her face was bright and her eyes shining with unshed tears. "You're not going to believe this " she exclaimed "We've been invited onto the Ellen Show, they want to fly us out to LA for filming in 3 days' time!" she said as she was practically screaming with excitement as she smiled even bigger.

Calum, Michael and Liz were completely stunned and they had no idea what to say...Calum's mouth was opening and closing as if he was imitating a goldfish and Michael's jaw nearly hit the floor with shock and as for Liz if she was a cartoon her eyes would have been bulging out of her head as they all looked at Anne as if she had three heads. They couldn't believe it, the one and only Ellen DeGeneres wanted to fly them out and have them on her show, all because of their video.

However they all had different opinions on the matter. Calum and Michael were worried because as much as they wanted to go, they didn't want to leave Luke and Ashton alone in Australia in case anything happened. That's if they were still in Australia...

Mama Irwin and Mama Hemmings both really wanted to go and although they could understand the boys concerns they didn't want to lose the best chance they had at gaining more support for their cause. Even though the boys understood their point but they still didn't want to leave their best friends alone even if they didn't know exactly where they were. They just hoped they were alive, well and somewhere safe. Whilst they were having there discussion and waiting for the other members of their family to arrive, Calum leant over to Michael and he may or may not have whispered in his ear....

"It would be cool to meet Dory though!"

A/N- I hope you guys like it, it's not great but I tried my best! I suck at updating too so I'd like to apologise for making you wait so long for an update. Do you think they'll go to America? Comment and tell us what you think. Love you all Kat Aka AshtonsBlondie

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