Stuck With Feelings Of Vertigo

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Before I forget, I wanna get you guys involved with something! I want to see fan art, story covers, poems anything related to the story and that'screative! So if you do something pleasesubmit it to my tumblr! It's in my bio and I will picking a new picture/fan thing to be featured each week? Comment what you think on the idea?


Waking up wasn't the way I hoped it to be. I'm met with terrified blue eyes and duct tape over his mouth.

Luke is tied to a chair, hands behind his back and there's blood running down his head. I quickly shoot up and take a step to him, but he shakes his head, quickly and nervously.

I look at him and around the room, my neck isn't chained anymore. We're not in the basement anymore. I'm super confused what the fuck is going on?

I'm not even sure what we're in it doesn't seem like a room, they're no windows, and no doors? How did we get in here?

I ignore Luke's pleads to leave him alone and pull the tape off his mouth, "Don't touch me Ashton!" He screams thrashing around trying to get away from me.

"What? I'm gonna help you get untied, What's the matter with you?" I ask stepping back.

"Don't you remember you asshole?" He growls. "You did this to me! You tied me up! You're working with them! You played me! You tied me to this chair and you- Don't you hear the fucking ticking coming from my chest?" He ask.

I did this? No I didn't I don't know how to put bombs together. Wait! Bombs? "I put a bomb on you?" I ask confused.

"Don't act so stupid Ashton, you know what you did. Did to all of us." He laughs and looks over to the once dark side of the room. Andrew, Alex and Jacob are all strapped to chairs.

"You did this Ashton, did this to all of us." They say in unison all slowly turning their heads to look at me.

I back away from them, "Shut up! Shut up I didn't do this! I'm not working with them." I cry attempting to find a wall but failing.

"Ashton?" Alex ask.

"What?" I say crawling over to her looking up at her.

"Why didn't you save me?" She ask raising her head up.

"I tried but they tied me up."

"You didn't try hard enough!" She screams peaks of red are shinning through her neck before a pool of blood is cascading downing from her neck she falls out of the chair and onto me.

I scream in horror and carefully crawl away from her. "Ashton?" Jacob calls.

I stand up and look at him, "What?" I say.

"Can untie my hands please?" He ask.

"Of course." I say going behind him and undoing his hands, "There you go." I say.

I stand up and gag, there's a large bullet wound in the back of his head, part of his mind is exposed, the bone is shattered everywhere.

He falls over and lays next to Alex. I get to Andrew and gulp, "Hi bud." I say neverously.

"Hi there Ash." He smiles.

"I miss you."

"Is it hot in here?" He ask, "God someone get me some water."

No no no, I remember this! They killed him with an over dose of Ecstasy. I turn away.

I hear him spasming in his chair. He's gagging I turn back around and cry, the blood is coming out his eyes, mouth nose ears. Any where it can. He's boiling from the inside out. I turn to Luke as Andrew falls on the floor.

"Luke?" I ask nervously.

"Hi Ash." He smiles.

"Are you going die on me?" I frown cupping his face.

"I don't think so." He says leaning against my hand, "I love you." He smiles.

"I love you too." I smile, but his face is hot against my cheek, it burns to the point where I need to pull my hand away.

I look at Luke in horror, his skin is turning a brunt black color it's spreading up and down his face and neck, "Ashton what's happening?" He ask shaking his head. "Ashton! It's gonna blow run!" He yells.

And I do I follow his orders, I run and run until I can't breathe, I'm gagging. Ouch there's nothing on my neck. My lungs hurt I feel light headed, wow what's that shinny light at the end of the dark tunnel, "Alex? Andrew? Jacob? What are you guys doing?"

"Come on Ashton! Beat you to the light! Ready set go!"

"Ashton! Wake up! Ashton! You're killing yourself stop!" A voice yells, "Stop! Ashton Irwin fucking stop!"

Well this is a fucked up chapter? Comment what you think is going on? And no Luke is not death.. yet? Or ever lol that's for you to find out! (: comment, vote! Also i have ones shots I'm gonna be writing! So you guys can check those out and request ideas (:
Love youpeace out
~Damned One (: aka Abigail

Be sure to check our other stories! @AshtonsBlondie (:

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