Chapter 1

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Del waited and waited. Ugh, when's food coming? It's 2 hours past meal time, 2 hours! Who takes so much time? Oh come on, haven't forgotten me right..? No no no, that shouldn't be it. Maybe Lucy is gonna bring me something real tasty today. Yep, that must be it. Ooh come fast, I'm hungry. He was right! Soon in came Lucy, with delicious bird fodder in her cupped hands. She always fed him from her hands, that was the level of their bonding.

"Liked it?" Lucy asked, flashing a wide smile.

Gosh, she was so cute in that floral frock! Del chirped, once, to let her know he loved it.

This was his life. Born in a forest, brought to a bird-breeders aviary, bought by Lucy's family. And from then, all he did was wake up in the morning around 9, have breakfast, listen to Lucy's storytelling, hop about in the cage, chirp at times to let everyone he was still there, have dinner, sleep. He enjoyed this carefree lifestyle. Once or twice he heard stories of birds out in the wild, struggling to find food, but denying to stay in a cage. Del would think to himself, 'Whoever does that? Being in a cage is so comfortable! You get everything at the cost of doing nothing! Food, shelter, stories and what not!'

But still, his carefree life was frightening at times too. He was kept just next to the open window. Crows would just notice him and strike from time to time. At these times, Del would just feel his end near. Luckily, Lucy was always there to help. Despite of her attempts to convince Mr. Kenz to move his cage somewhere else, he never agreed.

But this life wasn't always that good. He remembered fragments of his past. Born in a dark rainy forest, all he remembered was the fact that there was lots of blood. He didn't know who his parents were, but he had heard his name from his mothers shrill voice. There were two large, bulky men who took him in their rough hands. Then, as long as he could remember, he was in a seriously dark place with hardly any oxygen. It was horrible. He was already hungry, and then he was struggling to breathe. Ultimately, he fell unconscious. When he was conscious again, he found himself with several lovebirds. He was a sparrow, not a lovebird! He didn't love any other bird like crazy! He did make friends with them though. What were their names again though? Right, James and Jennie and Julia and John. All with a J. They were interesting to talk to. But they got transferred soon and he was all alone, again. At least he was fed enough to prevent starvation. Phew. After a month or so, the Smiths bought him as a birthday present for Lucy. Then he was comfortable.

Lucy was only eight, but she was caring. Lucy had other friends too, but he knew he was the bestest of them all. Yes, not just the best, the bestest. He didn't like her friends, they always poked him and made silly bird noise imitations. And they were SO noisy. Giggles and chuckles are good, till they are from just one person. But when they came from nine people, it was annoying. Lucy had a brother too, but Del hardly sees him. His name is Max. He attends school, and whenever he was home, all he did is study. As if your life was made by study pfft, Del would think. And even if he paid attention to Del, he would just criticize. "Lucy, don't play near him, he's so dirty. You'd get infected. He hardly chirps, must be some disorder. Why's he looking at me like that? My goodness, so many feathers! Don't you have anything else to do? Go sleep!" And stuff. So boring.

For some reason, the Smiths called him Rover. Didn't they know, his name was Del?

Well, he lived like this. He was still glad he ended up here. No one could change his mind hah!

Or so, he believed.


A/N: Hiya! Thank you for reading, hope you're liking it!! Any feedback, positive or negative, is welcome! Don't forget to polish the star if you liked it:).

To answer a few, I'd like to say (write, whatever) that I prefer the fact that birds can read and understand as well as any other human.

Chapters out on Sundays and Wednesdays.


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