Chapter 12

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"Jiiiiimmmmm!!" Del yelled. It was Saturday afternoon and Jim still hadn't arrived. There's no time. I gotta do this myself. Del sighed.

He could hear shouts coming up from his former abode. Mr. Kenz was shouting his lungs out after he found out that all three of his sparrows had escaped. And it was frustrating. Del glanced at the ground. He was so high up! What if he fell down while sleeping? His new friend, a squirrel named Kiki, explained that the grip of birds was strong enough to hold the branch, and besides birds built nests too. What Del couldn't figure out was how birds just gathered sticks and papers to make nests.

"I mean, how do you even entangle them? Shouldn't the twig come out if you fix your focus on another? How does it even gain the oval shape? And how do you make sure it stay in the exact position you want?"

"O-EM-GEE JUST STOP!" Kiki squealed. "I'M NOT A BIRD. GO ASK JIM!"

"Fine. Where on earth is Jim-", he was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Missing me already?" Jim said, with a smirk, landing on the sub-branch.

"JIM! I've been waiting since eternity for you to show up and look, its 4 p.m., Jim, 4 P.M.!!"!

"Ok ok I'm gonna admit it's pretty late are you out now? I thought Kim won't be here till tomorrow?"

"Kim wasn't here. It was Lucy. Sometime around dawn."

"Lucy? That girl? Wait wait let me get this straight. A human helped you escape in the middle of night. Wow."

"I told you not all humans are that bad."

"Yeah I know. You're unexpectedly right at a lot of things. So where to first? It seems you already had your first flight."

"Then I'd like to have an even better second flight."

"Alright. Well you need some good training. And look, golden bird Jim is right here to help you!"

"Pfft. Anyway then do teach me."

The next few hours pass by with Del learning to fly, and dusk fell before they could know it.

"I...can't practice anymore Jim!" Del said, exhausted and famished.

"Well come with me, I'm sure you can at least fly enough to reach my shelter. Follow me."

They fly east of Lucy's dwelling, through the centre of the town, and stop near the outskirts. Jim descended down towards a waterfall, surrounded by huge, bulky rocks on either side. Jim went around the waterfall and then inside the cave behind it. Del followed, observing the waterfall. When he looked inside, he was totally shocked. In front of him, were numerous sparrows. Some other birds too, which Del couldn't recognise, but mostly sparrows. The cave opened had few openings here and there, so there was plenty of air to breathe in.

"Who's this new guy, Jim?" asked a sparrow, looking at Del with interest.

"He's the one I told you about. Del, meet my sister, Alice, and Alice, meet Del."

"Ohh, hi Alice!!" Del squealed, finally being able to know yet another new bird, at the same time feeling awkward.

"Nice meeting you too, cage bird."

"Hey, I told you to be gentle."

"I can't be gentle with a bird who loves humans. Those wretched beings should be hated, not loved."

"They arent wr-"

"Del leave it. She won't understand yet. We all here were brought up to hate humans anyway."

"Hmph. You cage birds are lousy and uneducated. I'd be surprised if you could perform a swan dive."

But Del knew how to do one. He had seen Sora do it. He knew how exactly she'd done it. And he did it too, in front of Alice who stood shocked.


"I do."

"I guess I was a bit wrong. Expect me to be less harsh on you." Alice said, before flying away.

"Ah sorry, Alice is narrow-minded. But she's pretty cool when you come to know her."

"Like you."

"Like me right- wait- NO I..-"

Del chuckled, "You feel into the trap heh. Not that it wasn't true...but I'm glad you've changed."

"Del, go sleep in that nest, it's unoccupied. It's pretty late and we are gonna work tomorrow. Night." and Jim was gone.


Yo I'm sleepy, sorry for the late update.

Looks like we've found a home for Del owo.

Now, now, Sora where are you?

We'll see Ig. Mind putting on some lights for those birdies who study at night? Yes? Then tap the pretty lil star!

See you:)


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