Chapter 8

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"Whoa stop! I don't even have a boss and trust me, I'm totally honest. And how can I tell someone without you hearing it? Well, if you don't want to share yours, then that's totally fine. Don't ask me stuff as well. At least remember mine. I'm Del." he blabbered, trying to make an impression, failing successfully.

He looked a bit surprised, but that expression quickly changed to frustration. He shifted to the corner and slept off.

I won't sleep beside him and be a fool! I'll show you that I'm not that soft! Sleep outside! Del thought.


He hadn't ate anything and Del hadn't offered him anything either. They were foes. At lunch-time, though, he came forward to eat.

"So youre regretting behaving to me that way at last?" Del asked, eyes raised.

"I don't regret it. Not at all. And I don't need to ask your permission to eat, by the way."

At least he was a bit softer than last day. Any improvement is better. Del thought.

After finishing the meal, he finally started a topic.

"So you are Del? Wilx and Sienna's chick? The one who was born in the forest?"

"So those are my parents' names!" I guess so.

"Wow.. I didn't think your situation was that all. makes you more trustable I guess. You've never been free, so there's no way you work for someone. Well then, my name's Jim."

Why does that name sound SO familiar? Del thought hard, he had heard it somewhere. But where? As he thought, a part of his mind clicked. OH YES! JIM, SORA'S FRIEND! "Aren't you Sora's friend!?" Del asked curiously, leaving behind all his promises of secrecy.

Jim looked flabbergasted. "You, you, know about Sora?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." Del said, calmly, not trying to think of that day. "I know her and she knows me."

"Prove it."

"She used to work for Falkner. Her parents died and her secret got revealed because she chose not to kill you for him, twice."

"H-how do you know so much!? The Sora I know would never tell her secrets that easily."

"I don't know...she wasn't as hostile as you when she ended up here. She was injured and scared."

"Yeah that night was pretty messed up...I wonder if she is okay now..."

"I don't think so."

"What do you mean?" Jim asked, looking alarmed. "What did you do to her?"

"No no don't think this in the wrong way, I like her as much as you do, and I would never wish her harm. But just before you came...well let's say a lot happened." Del said.

"Just spit it out! What happened? I don't care if it's some really long tale or not, just tell me!"

"Alright if you say so...don't blame me afterwards."

He narrated everything that had happened, leaving out a few parts, where she had screamed in agony.

"She said she'll come back, she promised?" Jim asked, his eyes full of disbelief and fear.

"She did. I know it's hard to believe, but yes she did and she will. If she doesn't, then well, I'll find her."

"You? What are you to her? Don't tell me that you both are...are..."Jim gulped.

Del glanced at Jim, he already knew the answer. But he still nodded.

"So...what never happened in years between us happened in a couple of months between you two? Why? I loved her like crazy. Even after I knew of that horrific job of hers. And I thought she loved me too, when she disobeyed Falkner the first time. But no, when I proposed to her, she just simply, coldly, declined. I was heartbroken and she didn't even console me. I get it, she shouldn't have done so anyway after declining a proposal. But she accepted your proposal? What did you do for her? At nights, when she cried for killing her friends, I consoled her. Not you. Then why did she love you and not me?"

"Jim...I know you are really furious at me but...can we...not just talk about this now? Sora could be anywhere right now, she could be still flying for her life, so I don't see why we are having this conversation now."

Jim fell silent. Whether or not he was frustrated, he still had to accept the fact that Del was right.

"I guess we don't have anything else to say. Let me just go have a nap." Del said, trying to sound as rude as possible.

Jim didnt utter a word. He just stood, staring at the sky from the window.

Soon came Lucy, with her fodder. But this time, Max stood behind her, observing Jim.

"Are they going to release us?" Jim asked, looking startled.

"Noooo not at all, that's only so we can eat from her hands. It's called bonding by the way. And don't dare try to escape."

Jim scoffed. "You mean to say I won't use this brilliant opportunity? What do you think I am, a lazy blob who takes no risks until it's too late, like you? No, I'm better than you. I will be the one who finds Sora, mark my words."

Lucy opened the cage door. And before Del could stop Jim, he took flight and dashed out, trying to reach the window. Lucy screamed, surprised. But Max stopped Jim. He used a handkerchief to block Jim from flying and wrapped him in it, and then he set Jim free, but inside the cage.

"I told you Lucy, this bonding of yours would backfire some day. You're lucky you didn't get scratched. And for the matter, be thankful to me for being here today. Looks like Mr. New bird is hostile." Max said, boasting as if he was the smartest brother ever.

Lucy didn't reply, she bit her lips and went away. Max stayed, still observing.

"So you were saying something?" Del mocked.

"Don't even bother disturbing me, it won't work. Those stupid humans and this stupid bird." He muttered.


Hi! Thanks for reading><
Hope you enjoyed, and if you did, be sure to voooooooteeeeeee.
I'm too sleepy for instant creativity.
See you:)!


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